34. stay

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it was the next morning and taehyung stood in front of a huge brown door with the name tag "J. JEON" on it, collecting all his courage to knock. he had a copy of his script with him, it weighing heavy in his bag with the content it holds.

confidently, he knocked three times, getting no response though. he checked his watch, to see that it was still jeongguk's office hours and that he actually should be present.

he frowned a little, knocking again, already thinking about returning back him. instinctively, his hand landed on the door handle and he pulled it down, something within him jumping when the door opened.

his heart swelled, remembering what jeongguk always did when he knew taehyung was going to come by that day. he would always leave his office door open, in case he leaves shortly for a coffee or a call, so that taehyung wouldn't have to be standing and waiting outside.

jeongguk knew taehyung would be coming over today to hand in his script. is that why the door was left open, even though he wasn't there?

or was it open for someone else?

either way, instead of waiting outside, taehyung stepped into the office with a rattling heart and closed the door behind him. he was here the day before, jeongguk was there and he had his whole focus and rage directed towards him.

he couldn't take in the familiarity the room holds. the way jeongguk literally has view over busan through his windows, that would always be even more beautiful at night when all the lights are glistening like little stars. the dark wooden table, the leather seat and sofa, the bookshelves that were halfway filled with all the books taehyung ever read to them and halfway with work-related documents. the plants that jeongguk always forgets to take care of. taehyung always had to be the plant nurse when coming for a visit.

memories crawled up again, clawing at his throat.

they made so many beautiful moments in the three years that passed within those four walls. from catching up on the couch, to making out on it and... from playing a board game on jeongguk's office desk to, eating take out at two in the morning. there was so much more.

this room held so many memories and taehyung wonders how cold hearted jeongguk must be, to throw all of this away. so sudden.

he put his back on the table next to the sofa, put his jacket of and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. he strode towards the window to look out of it, something he loved to do. he would always get one of those spinning chairs next to jeongguk's chair by the office table and while the older read through his work
files, taehyung would spin around and look out of the window.

the brunet's lip almost twitched up a little.

but the joy he felt was gone when the reality hit him again.

he should be waiting outside, not invade jeongguk office like that. maybe he used to do that with the other's permission, but he wasn't sure if he was still permitted to do so anymore.
he turned away from the window to leave, when something on jeongguk's office table caught his eyes.

a small photo frame, with a photo of two teenage boys sitting on a hospital bed, smiling into the camera as both held up peace signs with their hands. a knot formed in taehyung's lungs.

if jeongguk moved on, why would he keep a picture of the two in his office?

taehyung's arm itched to grab the picture and look at it up close. it was taken by seokjin after a month of jeongguk staying in the hospital after the car accident that was the reason how they got to know each other.

it was the first ever picture taken of them together.

taehyung had never felt heavier as he did when he finally reached out for the photo to take a better look at it. it's been so long already, how can jeongguk throw everything they had away like this?

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