2. savior

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taehyung hissed, as he slowly pushed himself up from the ground, his knees, elbows and palms got scratched and he was loosing a little blood on a wound on the left side of his forehead, but luckily, he could move and didn't hurt himself anywhere else.

his tired eyes quickly looked around, only for taehyung to feel his heart drop at the view in front of him- there was a boy, seemingly older, laying unconsciously on the dark asphalt, red wounds almost everywhere on his body.

his eyes were closed.

he looked around, the car that hit him already gone in fear, and quickly ran to the boy. tears formed in taehyung's eyes while he pulled the boy's head onto his lap. "w-wake up, please!"

he cried silently, checking the boy for movement, then started shouting for help when there wasn't. luckily, soon a car that wanted to pass the same street halted, a worried woman in her mid-thirties immediately ran out, hands clasped on her mouth at the view. taehyung cried, whispering the word 'help' over and over again.

"hey, don't cry it'll be fine, okay?" the woman spoke while dialing the emergency number.

taehyung looked back to the boy's face, more tears rolling down his cheeks. his whole body was shaking, his fast heartbeat drowning his senses, fearing that the boy was hurt badly or even... he gulped.

"don't worry, he'll be fine again. he's breathing." the kind woman crouched down next to taehyung, patting his back reassuringly. the gesture was meant warmly, but it made him just feel even more bad. he is breathing, but what if he wasn't? what if he didn't because of me?

not long after, the ambulance arrived it's loud howling filling the whole neighborhood. three first-aid attends ran out, two to take care of the unconscious boy, the third one, a woman, to observe taehyung's wounds.

taehyung felt numb while he drove in the ambulance. everything that happened was overwhelming for him, too much for his little heart and he felt exhausted to the core. his eyes never left the boy's face, he was laying on one of these hospital beds, pipes and wires already connected to him.

but he hasn't moved one bit yet.
taehyung feels bad. "this is my fault," he whispered quietly, guilt internally ripping him apart. the woman of the sanitary team that was with them smiled sadly.

"hey, can you tell me your name?" she asked softly, pulling taehyung out of his daze. "kim taehyung," he whispered, fiddling with his fingers, eyes still locked to the unconscious boy's face.

"a pretty name for a pretty boy." taehyung knew the female wanted to ease the tension, he was thankful for that, but it didn't help at all. "do you really not want your wounds to get taken care of?"

"t-these are just scratches, please take care of him first." his eyes still never left the boy.

"do you know him? you're wearing the same school uniform," the woman asked and taehyung's gaze wandered to the boy's clothes, that were indeed the same that he was wearing, but he shook his head no.

"m-maybe i've seen him before, but i don't know," he said in a broken voice. "he'll be fine, right?"

"it looks like he broke quiet a lot of bones, it'll take him to heal," the paramedic said in a sad voice.

taehyung bit tears back. the woman quickly handed him a tissue, which taehyung declined. he doesn't want to get taken care off, when right in front of him a boy in a worst condition than him.

"taehyung, can you tell me how this happened?"

taehyung chewed on his lip. "my ball rolled to the street and i wanted to get it back... then i saw this car a-and i couldn't d-do anything. i was scared, i-i thought i'll die." now a few tears rolled down the boy's cheeks.

"he saved my life," he just added, before breaking into soft sobs.

taehyung was standing in front of a door of the hospital, the boy who saved him is supposed to be laying in that room behind it.

the brunet had called his grandma and told her that he'll sleep over at jimin's, as he planned to stay the night in the hospital, by the boy's side. his grandma believed him, which just added another layer to the stack of guilt that was already building up inside of him.

he heard muffled voices from the other side of the door and gulped lightly, hoping the persons who came to visit the boy won't be mad at taehyung for what happened.

with a deep breath taken in before, the brunet knocked on the door, before entering. he peeked in and gulped when he saw two grown men looking to him surprised.

"who are you?" one of the males asked.

the fifteen years old's bottom lip started to quiver and he bowed lightly. "i-i'm so sorry that this happened to him-

"oh, oh my god, you're the boy he saved. c'mere." taehyung blinked confused when he looked up to the two males, who had sympathetic smiles on their lips, not what taehyung expected.

taehyung slowly advanced them, and when he was close enough, he got pulled into a hug by the male who just spoke before.

"are you alright, are you hurt somewhere?" taehyung felt like being rooted on the spot, he was so surprised. but getting this comfort of the older man, he felt the tears finally forming and also once again rolling down his cheeks.
"i-i'm so sorry, t-this is my fault."

"it's okay, it's not your fault. i'm so glad you aren't hurt," the male brushed his hand through taehyung's hair.

"b-but he is h-hurt," taehyung sobbed, to which the other male laughed a little. "as long as he isn't dead, everything his fine. honestly it's nice to hear him be quiet for a while," the male laughed softly.

taehyung didn't know, if he was being serious, or if he just wanted to make taehyung believe that it's really nothing serious.

"o-okay.." he whispered and let go of the male holding him.

"please don't worry, bub. he will be fine. joonie, bring him home."

"n-no, it's okay. i don't live far from here." the boy lied.

"no, you must still be a little shocked. let me drive you home and talk to your parents." the so called 'joonie' said, taehyung frowned. "i only have my grandma..."

the expression of the male with the wide shoulders saddened. "bub, you should really go home, your grandma must be worried."

taehyung looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. "i want to stay here... my grandma thinks i'm at a friend's house, so it's okay.."

"you want to sleep here?"

the boy shrugged. "i-i don't mind."

the couple in front of him looked at each other, before sighing. "you still haven't eaten, right?"

taehyung shook his head, shyly looking down.

"you're going to the same school as jeongguk," said one of the males. the couple and taehyung sat in a mcdonalds nearby, enjoying their food.

"is his name jeongguk?" the taller male nodded, softly smiling at the brunet.

"what's your name?" one of them asked. "i-i'm taehyung," he answered quietly, unwrapping his burger.

"how can someone be this adorable?" the male with the wide shoulders cooed, as he looked into taehyung's face, which made the young boy smile m shyly, as he took a big bite of his chickenburger. he hadn't eaten the whole day and it was already past 10, so he was basically starving.

"i'm namjoon and this is-

"mr worldwide handsome seokjin," the male with wide shoulders interrupted and taehyung giggled lightly.

"nice to meet you, mr worldwide handsome seokjin." he mimicked.

the man called namjoon sighed, massaging his forehead. "just call him jin." he said, to which the other male pouted.

"jin hyung and joon hyung," taehyung said with a wide boxy smile. the couple couldn't help but feel their hearts warm at how adorable this human being was.

i'm regretting ever having taken this book down, it was actually so interesting and rereading it made me love it so much again

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