33. reject it

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"welcome back, tae," jimin's voice was heard as taehyung stepped into their hotel room, clothes soaked in rain water as it had been raining and he had no umbrella.

"hey.." the blond responded, voice croaked.

"how was it?" jimin asked again, taehyung shrugged.

"fine," he mumbled absently, putting his jacket off. and the next moment, he started crying.

"oh, baby.." jimin instantly crossed the room and pulled taehyung into a hug, letting him cry everything out.

playing strong is one thing that taehyung had never been good in. he has always been insecure of himself, his biggest mistake was to depend on jeongguk for security.

but in some cases, it just evolved like that, because there seemed no other way. it was unavoidable. jeongguk was always there for him, always made sure taehyung knows his worth, even if miles were lying between them.

now, the moral of the story: never depend on someone else for your happiness.

in the end it breaks you, the same as it broke taehyung, leaving him to cry in his best friend's arms, wearing in rain water soaked clothes in a hotel room in the middle of a town he doesn't really know.

"it's okay, jimin whispered, as taehyung's sobs became even louder, his hand moving to fists and clutching the warm hoodie that his best friend was wearing.

"i-it hurts," the blond whispered, tightening his hold.

jimin kissed his head, brushing his hand through his hair. "i know.." he shushed him softly. it pained him to see taehyung like that and he was enraged, never having felt the urge to hurt jeongguk like he had now.

"he'll regret it, just see. that asshole doesn't deserve to be loved by you."

jimin was right.

taehyubg dried his tears with his by his sleeve covered hand and stepped a little back from his best friend. "i don't want to see him again..."

jimin took a deep breath. "babe, if that's what you want, then let's leave busan."

taehyung wiped his tears. "i already rejected other companies, jeon publishing is my only chance."

"what?! why didn't you tell me?"

taehyung took in a shallow breath. "i had to reject the others, in order to be accepted to one."

"but not because of him! you really chose him over—

"i wanted to," taehyung's voice was mereley a whisper. "I knew the risks, but I needed... to see myself."

Jimin got goosebumps by that and hugged his best friend tighter. "you do love him.."

Taehyung nodded, " I do.. I just.. I think time will heal everything. I'm gonna continue what I started, with focus on my book, not on him. It might be hard, but I'm.. gonna get through it."

Jimin knew really well this was easier said than done for Taehyung, but knowing how strong he is, he is sure the blond will get through this and show Jeongguk what he lost.

"you will. when are you going to meet with him again?" jimin asked.

"tomorrow already. i will have to hand him a copy of my script and we will talk about all the formalities and the contract," he explained. as much as he didn't want to see him, he had made this decision now and needs to pull through.

"are you sure you can't switch companies? it's just the beginning."

"i rejected the others, chim. it would appear pathetic of me if i were to apply for them again and they wouldn't want someone pathetic to work with them."

jimin understood, sighing softly. he looked at taehyung for a few more seconds, before straightening his back. "forget about him. your book is going to be published! your dream is coming true!"

a small smile graced taehyung's lips by jimin's attempt to cheer him up. and it worked. a little, but it did. because jimin is right. one door closes, another opens. five publishing companies wanted his book and here it is, with only a few steps left to fulfill one of his biggest dreams.

"let's cheer on that," he smiled, jimin smiling back as he jumped to the kitchen to grab wine glasses and a dark green bottle of red wine.

"let's do that and forget about everyone else."

"how did it go with mr. kim?" jinah's voice resonated as she sat down on the chair in front of jeongguk's desk.

the man stood by the window, looking over the city that was an artwork of little light spots and darkness. it was late, past jeongguk's working hours, past jinah's working hours, but she  thought maybe, he would need someone right now.

jeongguk's jaw tightened while thinking about his encounter with taehyung. "he wrote a book about us."

jinah eyed him stunned, as she pushed back her glasses. "he did?" of course she knew who kim taehyung is and what he meant to jeongguk. she heard jeongguk say that name more often than she heard him say hers, even though she was always present. "i thought you broke up."

jeongguk's breath shuddered and he turned away from the window and looked at jinah. "i guess so.."

"if i was you, i would reject his book," she suggested.

all of the sudden jeongguk's attention went into full alarm. "i could never do that."

jinah sighed. "i'm your secretary and i know mr. kim is an amazing writer and would be really good for the company, but as your.. friend, i want you to think about your own well-being. you know you are going to have to work with him if you keep his script."

there was a part of jeongguk that agreed to her. another part knew, how important it always had been for taehyung to be able to publish his first ever book. he had quit college half a year ago, because he finally knew what dream he wanted to purchase. the next step of that dream lies in jeongguk's hands right now, and he would never be able to crush it for taehyung.

"it isn't this easy—

"it is. seeing him will break you and it will also affect the company if the ceo isn't in a healthy state of mind. you have responsibilities and those, you need to prioritize." jinah always knew how to keep a cool head when jeongguk was freaking out.

the raven head sighed, closing his eyes to take a deep breath. "at least i get to see him then."

"you've seen how cold he treated you. are you able to endure it for a while longer?"

jeongguk chewed on his bottom lip. it was the worst feeling ever to see taehyung with so much hatred towards him.

"i can manage it."

"jeongguk, you—

"jinah, please leave my office now. you can go home, i'll stay here."

the woman didn't say anything, but eyed him worried for a few seconds. then she packed her things into her bag and got up.

before she left the room, she turned around again and looked to jeongguk, whose back was facing her again as he looked outside of the window again.

she shook her head and left.

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