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I stared at the train, a breath of relief leaving my lips and a wide grin appearing on my face. I never realized how much Hogwarts meant to me until I sat in my house all summer long, boring at the lack of excitement.

Occasionally I'd get a letter from my best friend, Pansy Parkinson, but other than that my summer consisted of eating, sleeping, reading, and spending time with my dad.

Ever since my mother decided she wanted to pursue her dream of being a muggle Broadway actress, my dad and I had been spending lots more time together. I wont lie, we were both crushed by her sudden choices. I could tell how much it hurt my father, and I tried to stay strong but I couldn't keep away the thought of it being my fault.

My fault she left.

A soft but raspy voice interrupted my thoughts. "I guess it's time to say goodbye to your favorite father now." He spoke, smiling down at me.

I turned around to look at him, laughing lightly at his comment. "And my only one I'd hope." I responded, smiling sweetly up at him.

He chuckled quietly, and wrapped his arms around me. I took a deep breath in, exhaling shakily. I didn't want to leave him. I didn't want him to turn depressed without anyone home. I cringed at the thought of his life, home.. alone.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked, annoyed at how concerned my voice came off.

"I'll be alright princess," he assured me. "Now go on, have fun." He smiled sweetly down at me, making it impossible not to smile back.

I felt as though I saw a clear liquid filling his eyes but I knew the longer I stayed, the harder it'd be to say goodbye.

"I love you." I gently stated, picking up my trunk.

"I love you more." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

I turned around slowly, and started towards the Hogwarts Express. Before I entered the train, I turned around and smiled at him one more time. As I waved goodbye, my heart couldn't help but ache at the thought of leaving him alone. I hoped my concerns didn't show on my face, as I tried to keep my weak smile, not wanting to worry him.

I had to be strong for him, and I knew that.

I turned my head quickly, gripping tighter onto the handle of my trunk. I felt my eyes sting, tears threatening to come, but I was not about to cry in front of all these students.

I stepped up onto the train entrance and walked rather quickly inside. I started walking, casually looking through the corner of my eye to see if I could spot Pansy in a compartment. I had only walked past a couple compartments before a certain voice stopped me.

"Quite the emotional goodbye there, Y/l/n." My body froze as I heard his slightly more developed voice speak. I could practically hear the smirk in his words.

I turned around slowly, smirking right back at him. I looked him up and down, trying to seem intimidating, but couldn't help but almost gasp at the sight.

Well... he's changed.

His platinum blonde hair no longer slicked back, but instead drooped over his head and face, almost looking... attractive? He had grown taller, and over all just looked older.

I didn't let my thoughts consume me for too long. I was not about to let him think I was actually checking him out.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you, Malfoy." I sneered at him.

He scoffed, slightly taken aback by my bravery. "Then good thing I'm not wearing it." He stated, looking me up and down just as I did to him.

I raised an eyebrow at him, not breaking eye contact. Weakness was something I hated showing, and being a Slytherin only made me fight harder to not show it. Showing weaknesses as a Slytherin was quite a big mistake. Many people in the house had no mercy with their teasing and sometimes even bullying.

"Why were you watching me anyways?" I ask, genuinely curious in what his answer would be.

I waited, hoping his smirk would fade from his face and he wouldn't know what to say, but it only seemed to grow. "Why miss out on a chance to make fun of you?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

His smirk grew into an evil little grin, making me roll my eyes and scoff at his words. "Nice of you to think of me, Malfoy." I stated, smiling innocently as I slowly turned back around, walking away from him.

I finally spotted the compartment Pansy was in. I turned around once again, feeling his eyes still on me. "I'm flattered." I yell to him, grinning. I see as he shakes his head slowly, but I notice a slight smile grow on his lips.

I slide open the compartment door, smiling at Pansy, who was reading a book.

"What was that about?" She asked, looking over and smirking at my grin.

I sigh quietly, my grin slightly fading away. "Just Malfoy being Malfoy."

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ok so that was chapter one lmao. Comment if y'all liked it ig😳

ALSO, should I make Draco and Y/n like super enemies where they hate each other and rarely talk or like kinda friends ish where they tease each other a lot but lowkey like the company of each other... y'know? Idk lol comment which you think I should do!

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