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Hi bubs!:) lowkey long chapterrrr😳✋ I was honestly gonna add more to it but than I realized that it was already pretty long lol sooo you'll just see that next chapter😏

Anyways hope y'all enjoy!!<33

It was nearing the end of October by now. The Great Hall was full of floating jack-o-lanterns for Halloween, giving off a very festive vibe.

I was always confused about how no one dressed up at Hogwarts for the holiday. I guess it was a muggle thing so rarely any of the students here knew that people went trick-or-treating, but it still seemed as though it would be fun.

I walked into my dorm, tired from the school day. I flop onto my bed, turning my head to look at Pansy and Daphne.

"We should dress up for Halloween," I suggest, as I lay on my stomach, resting my head in my hands.

"Pardon?" Daphne asks, taking her gaze off the book she was reading and furrowing her brows in confusion at me.

"You know- like muggles do," I say, shrugging slightly.

Pansy's head turns quickly to look at me, a slight smirk of amusement on her face.

"Wouldn't it be weird if just us three dressed up?" She asks, sitting up in her bed.

I clear my throat quietly, biting my lip as I think. It definitely could be strange if three students randomly dressed up, while everyone else stayed in normal clothes.

I think for a moment, my mind running through people who could possibly dress up with us, and then.. bingo.

"We could get the boys to dress up with us," I lazily smirk at the thought.

I'm not sure why my brain couldn't just think of a normal boy dressing up. I chuckle slightly as an imagine of Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle all wearing pink and purple princess dresses, with sparkly tiaras, and high heels enters my mind. Not gonna lie though.. they do look kind of good.

"Yeah right," Pansy says, rolling her eyes slightly, leaning her head on the back of her bed.

"They'd never do that," Daphne adds, a slight frown on her face.

I sigh, sitting up on my bed. I think about how we could convince them, maybe money? Blackmail? Tricking them into doing it? A bet?

My mind pauses on that idea. A bet could definitely work, especially seeing how stupid and arrogant they all are.

"What if we make a bet with them? They win, we don't dress up, we win, they dress up with us," I say, quirking an eyebrow.

Pansy and Daphne glance at each other, small smirks on their faces.

"What would the bet be?" Pansy asks, seeming intrigued by the idea. 

"Well.. what's something they think they're amazing at?" I ask, trying to think of an answer.

There's a moment of silence between us, all of us deep in thought, before Daphne's head pops up.

"Quidditch!" She says, excitement in her voice.

"Daph- we can't beat them at quidditch." Pansy says, sighing as her arms cross over her chest.

Daphne's body relaxes, slight disappointment on her face.

I bite my lip, more thoughts taking over my mind. After moments of thinking, nothing seems to be a better idea than quidditch, the sport us three had absolutely no experience in.

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