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hey bubs! this is kind of a weird time for me to post but i hope y'all don't mind😁

i don't really have anything to say sooo


I ended up not telling Harry about my realization, as I wanted to process it for myself first. Plus there was a small fear of him rejecting my theory and acting as if it was idiotic.

It was now the next day and the end of the school day, so Pansy and I were walking back to our dorm. Every school day was pretty similar, except for the few students from Beauxbatons who didn't always understand what the professors were teaching- Which annoyed Snape especially.

"I know I'm supposedly 'loyal' to Blaise now, but Merlin's beard that french hottie in Transfiguration," Pansy widens her eyes, trying to hold in a laugh.

I laugh at her wording, turning the doorknob into our dorm. Everything was normal looking except the small bouquet of flowers that lay on the bedside table in between our beds.

"Wow Zabini getting you gifts already?" I smirk at her, setting my bag down on my bed as I ignore the slight jealousy I was feeling.

She walks up to the flowers, unfolding a small note that lay near the bouquet. "Says there for you!" Her mouth gapes open as she grins at me.

A confused expression immediately grows on my face before I quickly walk over to her and read the note. "For Y/n Y/l/n" is written neatly on the small note, only growing my confusion further. I look at the back of the note, searching for any sign of who its from.

There was a small possibility it was from Draco, though I highly doubted it.

"It doesn't say who its from?" Pansy asks, sitting down on her bed.

I shake my head, my eyes still staring at the note as if the answer of who it was from would soon show up.

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A few hours go by, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Goyle, and myself all hanging out in the common room. I hadn't been paying too much attention to their conversations as I read a section from my potions book while taking notes on it.

I'm sat in my usual spot across from the couches, up against the fireplace. Pansy and Blaise are sat next to each other in the corner of one of the couches, while Goyle sits awkwardly a few feet away from them. Theo is laying down on the ground near me, his arms stretched out as he seems highly exhausted. Draco sits in one of the emerald green sofas, though he didn't seem to pay much attention to the conversation either.

"Speaking of interesting things," Pansy says, and I can feel her eyes on me. "Y/n was sent flowers today."

My eyes widen immediately and my cheeks heat up from panic. I keep my eyes down on the book, trying to ignore the feeling of Draco's eyes burning through me.

Blaise wolf whistles, causing laughter from Goyle and Theo. "Who's the lucky man?" He asks, his gaze on me though I keep my eyes down.

I shrug in response, not really feeling like talking. It made sense why Pansy brought it up as she didn't know about Draco and I, though I very much wish she didn't.

"The note didn't say who it was from," Pansy says annoyedly.

"I'm sure we could find it out for you," Theo grins goofily at me from the floor, so I can actually see him whether I'm looking at my book or not.

I huff humorously, pulling my knees closer to my chest. "I'll pass on the offer," I mumble quietly, still staring at my book.

"Well, do update us on your secret admirer," Blaise smirks as he slowly stands up. "Its late though, we should get back to our dorms."

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