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hello bubs! another kind of long chapterrrr, but why not:) also wanted to say that I appreciate all the love on the last chapter and I really hope you will enjoy this one just as much!

Song - Love and war (bring back some dracotok vibes;) )

anywayssss, enjoy !!

One moment I'm backstage, feeling nauseous and slightly lightheaded, while also being comforted by Draco. The next moment I'm onstage, bright lights taking over my vision, and a burst of confidence flowing through me.

It was hard to know what was happening as I begin singing. My thoughts still filled with worries, and my body naturally moving around the stage. It was like facing a fear. You didn't want to go out and start acting, or singing, but there was no other choice.

This was the first time I truly understood what the saying "the show must go on" meant. It meant to perform. To break out of your comfort zone, and perform.

So thats exactly what I did.

I ran through each scene with ease, while also quite enjoying my time with the audience. I enjoyed their laughter, and their smiles, though I enjoyed the applause the most.

It felt like long awaited success. Like needing some sort of affirmation that we were doing good, that I was doing good. And now I had finally had it.

The first show goes well, other than a few line mess ups from nerves, but other than that it runs smoothly, causing a very happy cast once its over.

Second show consists of a few voice cracks from people who decided not to warm up because it was morning and they were "too tired", but luckily, the overall show still went well.

The last show came quicker than I had expected, causing quite a bit of sadness to wash over the whole cast. We were all like family at this point. We had come over many successes together, while also experiencing such joy.

I poured my heart and soul into each and every scene that we performed, admiring everyone and their talents as the show continued.

And as I took my last bow, my eyes filled with what I knew to be happy tears.

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Nearly seconds after we had finish the last show, Pansy comes up to me, stating that the 'group' (Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Theo, myself, and I assume Daphne) has decided to have a game night, as it was Daphne's last night before leaving.

I smile and nod in agreement which makes Pansy grin before walking off and visiting with some people in the audience. As I watch her walk off, I feel arms wrap around me from behind, hugging me tightly.

I know almost immediately who's hugging me, though the soft "great job" he whispers into my ear, makes it even more obvious. I knew this wasn't apart of the fake dating, instead it was Draco being genuinely happy.

I turn around to face him, my hands sliding down his forearms to hold his hands. "To you as well," I smile happily, squeezing his hands lightly.

We smile at each other for a moment before he lets go of my hands, walking backwards slowly. "Ive gotta go talk to some family friends, see you tonight." He smiles.

Theres not even enough time for me to nod before I watch Daphne run up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around her waist, patting her back lightly as she raves on and on about how well he had done.

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