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Hi bubs!! I'm not sure if you all saw this but on my conversation board I mentioned that I would be posting 3 chapters, so you guys can binge read them and fall back in love with my story, so that's the plan! This is the first one (obviously lol), andddd yeahhh. It's totally okay if you want to space them out and not read all three at once, I will totally understand if that's the case!!

Anywayssss, enjoyyyy!!:))

"So your enjoying your role?" I ask Neville, as I pack my bag.

We had just finished our last class of the day, which happened to be Herbology.

"Yeah, it's been fun," he smiles sweetly. "How about you?"

I pause for a moment before answering, as I've never actually been asked that question. Did I enjoy being Belle? Of course... right?

"I think so," I say confusedly, shrugging slightly.

Neville furrows his brows slightly at my unsure answer, though nods his head slowly as if it made sense.

"I've got a question for Professor Sprout, I'll see you some other time?" He asks, softly placing his bag over his shoulder.

"Yes of course," I return his smile, before heading over to the greenhouse door.

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I rush through the filled corridors, on my way to the auditorium. I had totally forgotten about Draco and I's "dance lesson" this afternoon with Mcgonagall.

I quickly open the doors, and speed walk to the front of the room.

"Sorry, I totally forgot about this," I say, still trying to catch my breath from running through the school.

"It's alright dear, you're only a few minutes late." Mcgonagall smiles politely at me, before walking away to get something.

There's a small moment of silence as I watch her walk off, before a voice enters my hearing, making my nose scrunch up slightly.

"You don't seem very glad to see me," Draco says with a fake frown, as he leans against the stage.

"Glad I've made it clear," I fake smile at him, before turning around to see if Mcgonagall is coming back yet.

I can see her walking quickly through the audience towards us, carrying a few pieces of paper.

"I'd hope you two have fixed your problem with each other by now?" Mcgonagall asks sternly, finally arriving in front of us.

Before I can answer truthfully, Draco steps up beside me, a fake smile upon his lips.

"Of course,"

My disgust grows stronger for him as I see a satisfied smile grow on our Professor's face.

"Wonderful," she smiles. "Today as you know, we will be learning the Beauty and the Beast waltz."

We both nod in understanding, awaiting her next words.

"Now, you shall start with a bow and a curtsy." Mcgonagall instructs.

Draco and I space out slightly before doing as we're told. My curtsy is slow and deep, which luckily Draco timed his bow to be the same speed.

"Excellent, now you will come together." She tells us, as she walks closer towards us. "Belle's hand on the Beast's shoulder, and the Beast's hand on Belle's waist."

"Gladly," Draco mumbles under his breath with a small smirk, making sure Mcgonagall cant hear him.

I roll my eyes, trying to keep my temper down, before turning my attention back to our Professor.

"The Waltz will start normally, first moving back, then side, then front."

Draco and I do as she says, though I purposely avoid any eye contact with him.

"Correct. Now that same movement again, though the other way,"

I was slightly surprised that Draco knew how to waltz, though the thought of his mother teaching him how to dance seemed like it could definitely be true.

It didn't take us much longer to learn the rest of it, which made me hopeful that I could get out of here even sooner than expected.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Mcgonagall grins proudly once we've ran it through without mistakes. "Now  Y/n, you may put on these character shoes to practice it with heels on,"

"Sure I won't be taller than Draco?" I mutter quietly, as my eyes examine the heel.

"What was that?" Mcgonagall asks, her brows furrowed in concern.

"Oh nothing," I smile, cheekily glancing at Draco.

He narrows his eyebrows annoyedly at me, before I sit down and slip on the shoes. They fit nice, and only make me about an inch taller.

I walk back up to Draco, and get ready for the dance, though I notice an arrogant smirk on his lips from me still not being taller than him.

I scoff quietly before the music starts playing, and we begin the waltz.

Our first curtsy and bow are perfectly synced together, though when we come together to actually waltz, a sense of revenge takes over me.

I purposefully step on his foot, though act surprised and as if I definitely didn't mean to do it.

"Oops!" I yell over to Mcgonagall, though can't help the small smile that creeps onto my lips when I look back at Draco.

"No worries," Draco responds quietly. "Didn't even hurt."

My brows furrow slightly at this, but I try not to show how annoyed I actually was that it "didn't hurt".

We waltz for awhile longer, before he spins me and I think of something quickly. I "accidentally" slap him in the face once I'm close enough, though blame it on the spin.

"Oh no, not again," I pout, shrugging slightly.

"It's alright," Draco responds through gritted teeth, before we start waltzing again.

The waltz ends shortly after, earning an applause from Mcgonagall.

"Oh absolutely beautiful! You're both dismissed now," she tells us, before walking out of the auditorium.

I walk over to an empty seat, and slip off my character shoes, before grabbing my regular shoes.

"What was that?" Draco asked, clearly annoyed by my stomping and slapping.

"Thought it didn't hurt," I shrug, slipping one shoe on.

"Yeah well it's messing up our dance," he responds, his voice slightly quieter.

"Than stop being a jerk and maybe I'll stop wanting revenge." I say, slipping the other shoe on, before I get up and grab my bag.

I walk quickly out of the auditorium, leaving him standing there, thinking about what I said.

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hope you enjoyed this very lovely tension. I honestly don't have too much to say, other than I'm very sorry if the dancing part made no sense. Personally I'm a dancer irl so it's hard for me to try and see it from non-dancers point of view lol but yeah I hope you sorta understood it.

Anywayssss I love youuu!! Mwahhhh:)

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