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Hey bubsssss! Longer chapter yayyyy! I honestly felt really bad for the last chapter being short so here ya go lol

Anyways, enjoy!!

Right as I open the door, taking a step in, I'm met with bright green eyes only a few inches from my own eyes.

We collide, seeming as we both took a step before realizing each other were there.

Murmurs of "ow" and "sorry" come out of our mouths, before we both start laughing quietly at the situation.

I rub my temple where his glasses hit my face, laughing along with him.

"Y/n- so sorry, I was just about to come looking for you." He says, laughing awkwardly.

"Wow, the famous Harry Potter knows my name." I laugh, smirking slightly.

In all honestly I was kind of impressed he knew my name. Although Dumbledore probably told him, it was still weird hearing it come out of his mouth.

His lips part, words about to come out of his mouth before he's interrupted.

"You two ready?" Professor Lupin asks, an excited expression on his face.

"Ready!" Harry says, smiling weakly at me before turning around and walking over to the Professor.

I walk over to them soon after, surprisingly feeling more excited.

"I'm guessing you've both been informed on what you're learning?" Lupin asks, taking his wand from his robes.

We both nod, glancing at each other to see our answers.

"Great! I'd like to explain the charm a little bit to both of you before we begin." He smiles sweetly at us.

I smile back at him, listening intently to his next words.

"A Patronus charm is technically just light, or happiness, to keep the dementors away. Would either of you like to guess how you cast this spell?" Professor Lupin asks, amusement in his attitude.

I try to think of anyway that seems to be an easy answer, though nothing comes to mind.

I hope it wasn't supposed to be an easy answer.

I glance over, watching Harry shrug slightly and shake his head. I do the same as him, making eye contact with Lupin.

He nods slowly, running his fingers up and down his wand.

"No?" He pauses slightly, glancing between us for any last answers. "Happiness, of course." He grins.

I smile slightly, a little embarrassed for not guessing that.

"How do you cast happiness?" Harry asks, his brows knitted in confusion.

"Very good question, Harry, something you'll have to learn too." Lupin answers, walking over to a large chest.

I furrow my brows as well, as he points to the chest with his wand.

"In here," Lupin says, glancing down at the chest. "Is a dementor."

Harry flinches slightly, the word seeming to have an affect on him.

Personally, I had never been by a dementor nor been attacked by one. I heard stories of what they did, and what had happened to Harry at the quidditch match.

"You don't seem scared Y/n, why is that?" Lupin asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Hm? Oh- I'm not sure. I've never been.." I pause, trying to think of a better word but there doesn't seem to be any. "Attacked.. by one." I finish, swallowing thickly.

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