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hey bubs!! idk why but i seem to be strangely proud of this chapter lmao

anyways just wanted to say that i did indeed make a spotify playlist of songs that remind me of my story ! you can find my spotify by going to my tik tok (sxmpfortheweasleys) and in my bio there is a link to it:) the playlist is called "A Touch of Malfoy" ! listen to it if you want to!

anyways enjoy!!

The next two weeks were filled with processing. Processing what my mother had said when we met and the different things I'd have to do for and at the wedding. And processing what Draco said... and why he said it.

'Life is a mystery' seems like a good way to describe it, though it wasn't true. It wasn't life that was the mystery, it was the things in it. The people in it, specifically.

"Merlin this music is loud," I yell over the bone shaking music, taking a sip from my drink.

Time had been flying by quickly at this time of the year, meaning that it was now time for Slytherin's party before winter break. Though this was one of the only parties I actually got the reason for; last day of school before a long break.

"You know what I never get?" Theo asks, completely ignoring what I had said.

"Love and affection?" Blaise responds, a goofy and drunk smirk upon his face as he wraps his arm around Pansy's waist.

"Hilarious Zabini." Theo narrows his eyes at the boy, before looking around the crowded common room. "I never get why this isn't a Christmas party,"

I shrug slightly, my eyes wandering around the crowd as well, unconsciously searching for a certain blonde that was nowhere to be seen.

"Not a bad question, Nott." Pansy lifts her eyebrows, leaning her head to the side.

"Gonna steal all the girls with your questions," Blaise teasingly nudges Theo's shoulder, winking at him.

A small smile appears on my lips at their joking, leaning against the back of one of the couches.

The three of them— Theo, Blaise, and Pansy— continue talking, though my focus completely shifts to someone else who has now come into view. Draco.

My eyes instantly recognize the suit he had on. Though this time, there was no jacket with the black turtleneck that made his torso look practically irresistible. The sleeves of the turtleneck were slightly rolled up, showing off the veins in his forearms. His hair had a slight messy look to it, though it fit him perfectly. He was lucky in the appearance department. Very, very lucky.

His eyes meet mine after a few seconds of me noticing him, a small smirk growing at his lips. He knew. He knew how fucking good he looked.

I bite the inside of my cheek as to get rid of the urge to bite my bottom lip. Didn't need to boost his ego any higher.

"Hey mate, where've you been?" Blaise asks, his gaze moving to Draco who takes a step closer to me, also leaning against the couch.

The blonde shrugs in response, taking a sip of his drink as his other hand slides into his pocket. "Nowhere bad,"

Theo snorts quietly, brushing his hand through his hair. "I- for some reason- find that quite hard to believe."

Draco licks his lips, smirking and arching an eyebrow. "Believe what you want, Nott." He says with some sort of mysterious tone, shrugging again.

My brows furrow with confusion at his response, wondering why and if he was hiding something.

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