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hi sweet bubs! today i got three new harry potter candles A.K.A. bath and body work candles that people have said smell like different hp characters. i got the draco one finally (mahogany apple) and omg guys you weren't lying when you said it smells like him. I'm already obsessed with it lmao

anyways sorry for that random talk about my day. i hope all of your days were good and if not i hope they will be soon enough:)


I'm staying at Hogwarts for the whole break. My dad says he's gonna come visit today but I don't have much expectations of him showing up. I promise I'll stay safe and try my best to stay away from Harry.

Hows the Manor?

(your initials)


Ah I see. Well let me know how it goes if he does show.

The Manor is fine. Its giant and empty other than a few house elves who stutter every word they speak. I'm starting to regret not staying at Hogwarts.



Will do.

It's really no surprise they stutter every word after what your monster of a dad does to them. (no offense) At least your parents will be home for Christmas... right?

I have a question- Why didn't you ask me to the Yule Ball?

An honest answer would be preferred.



None taken. It's unclear if they're coming back or not. Makes no difference to me anyway.

Thought you didn't want me to ask you. When we arranged this whole thing you said it had to be secret and asking you to accompany me to a ball wouldn't exactly be secret now would it?



A small smile grows on my lips as I read his letter, admiring his respect toward my rule.

Hogwarts had been pretty empty since break started, which wasn't a big surprise as everyone went home to their families, which I decided against. I knew going back home and seeing my father would spark up many emotions, and conversations that I very much wanted to avoid.

He had told me he would visit around 11:30 A.M. which was in about ten minutes. I didn't have much motivation to get up and go wait for him, as I really didn't think he'd show.

Though I still get up and off of my bed, writing Draco a quick reply before giving the parchment along with a few owl treats to Crow.

I grab a large winter coat and put it on before switching off the dorm room light and walking out of the Slytherin dormitories.

"Good morning Miss Y/l/n," Snape says dryly as I pass his classroom, barely turning his head to look at me.

"Good morning," I give him a small smile, continuing to walk through the dungeons before freezing and walking back toward his classroom. "Snape-" My eyes widen at my mistake. "Professor, I mean."

"Yes?" He asks slowly, raising his head up from work he was grading.

"Do you know if my father is here?" I ask, not sure if it was a stupid question.

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