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Hi bubsss!! This chapter is going to be the possible roles, and their characteristics for Beauty and the Beast. I'm also gonna add some other terms that people use in musical theatre and the songs in the musical!

Roles and their characteristics:
(I have everyone casted already but feel free to guess/hope)

Belle - A confident young heroine who longs for adventure

Beast - a prince who was transformed by an enchantress

Lumiere - a charming French maître d', who has become a candelabra

Cogsworth - a nervous, English butler who has become a clock

Mrs. Potts - a sweet, motherly cook who has become a teapot

Babette - a flirtatious maid who has become a feather duster

Madame De La Grande Bouche - an opera singer who has become a wardrobe
(Pronunciation: Madam day luh grand boosh)

Chip - Mrs. Potts' young son who has become a teacup

Maurice - Belle's quirky father and an inventor

Gaston - a pompous, egotistical brute who wants Belle to marry him

LeFou - Gaston's trusty but dim-witted sidekick

Silly girls - 3 villager girls who fawn over Gaston

Narrators - villagers who serve as the storytellers

Enchantress - the mysterious woman who casts a spell on the prince, turning him into a Beast

Monsieur D'arque - the sinister, creepy proprietor of the lunatic asylum.
(Basically the evil guy that comes and takes Maurice away)

Villagers/servants - Ensemble
(Ensemble is basically the non named roles that dance and sing in the background)

I got all those descriptions from my script when I did this musical lmao just in case your wondering. Now some theatre terms!

Theatre terms:

Act - there will be 2 different acts in the musical which are cut up by the intermission! (Intermission will be right after the Gaston dance number)

Blocking - this is when the director starts giving instructions to the cast members on where their going to stand for certain scenes, or things their going to be doing in those scenes.

Prop(s) - an object the actor/actress uses on stage.

Readthrough - When the cast reads through the script without action, as their characters (usually on the first rehearsal)

Rehearsal - this one might be pretty obvious but it's when the cast gets together to work on the musical! (Basically like a "practice" if you play a sport)

Tech week - the week leading up to the final shows where sound, lights, costume, makeup, hair, props, and everything else is added into the show. (You usually also start practicing on the stage for the first time)

Tech - the sound and lights. Sometimes known as the tech team/tech crew.

Leads - the main character(s) in the musical

Supporting roles - named roles that usually have a few lines, (sometimes solos as well) but aren't the main roles.

Ensemble - I slightly explained this but it's basically non named roles that sing and dance in the background.

Understudy - Usually a member of the ensemble who also knows all of a specific role, in case they need to fill in.

Songs in the musical:
(Sorry for the slight humor in some of the answers... I couldn't help it)

Prologue - Where the Enchantress comes and puts the spell on the prince and the castle.

Belle - Where Belle wonders through the village and everyone judges her😭

Me - Gaston trying to convince Belle to be his wife. (Please listen to this song it's actually hilarious)

Belle (Reprise) - Belle is extremely annoyed with Gaston and sings about wanting more than "this provincial town".

Home - Belle's solo once she gets trapped in the castle by the beast.

Home (Reprise) - A song that Mrs. Potts and Madame De La Grande Bouche sing to try and comfort Belle.

Gaston - literally just LeFou hyping up Gaston for a few minutes in song form.

Gaston (Reprise) - Gaston and LeFou making up a plan to make Belle marry Gaston🤭


Be our guest - A song the servants sing (mostly Lumiere) to welcome Belle.. I guess? Idk y'all should know this song lmao

Something there - Belle and Beast simping for eachother but trying to deny it.

Human Again - Where the servants daydream about being human again.

Beauty and the Beast - Belle and Beast having dinner and then waltzing together. (YES ITS CALLED BEAUTY AND THE BEAST NOT TALE AS OLD AS TIME)

The mob song - Gaston preparing the villagers to go attack the beast

The Battle - the servants kicking the villager's arses, as they should.

End duet/ transformation - Belle singing to the Beast as he dies and then him transforming from ugly to ugly😫 (beast to prince lol)

The Finale(Beauty and the Beast Reprise) - the ending where everyone's human again and it's really happy. (Fun fact, I can't listen to this song without crying because all the memories from doing the show😀)

Anyways I'm pretty sure that's everything I wanted to say! If you have any questions feel free to ask me! Let's get this show on the roadddd yayy

Love youu, mwahh😗

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