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hello bubsss! this chapter is so precious tbh i'm in love with it. we haven't had a draco pov in awhile so i thought i'd sneak one in real quick:)

song - falling for u
it fits;)

enjoy lovelies<333

D R A C O ' S P O V

I hadn't left her side in 24 hours and I wasn't planning to anytime soon.

She'd constantly tell me that she was okay. She'd say she was fine, and that it wasn't going to affect her.

But it didn't feel like she was telling me this. It felt like a reminder to herself to stay strong. A reminder to herself that she was "fine".

"Y'know, you don't have to spend every waking hour with me," She looks up into my eyes, a sweet smile on her lips.

We sat in a large field near Hogwarts, up on a hill. The grass was tall, and there were beautifully colored flowers scattered around us. Her head rested in my lap, while my legs stretched out and I leaned back on my hands.

"Is this your way of telling me to leave?" I quirk an eyebrow, gently moving a few strands of hair from her face.

She glares at me like she always did, a small smile daring to grow on her lips.

"I just- I'm okay. I'm strong." She says hesitantly, while she twirls a blue flower around in her fingers.

Here we go again.

"I have no doubt that you're strong, Y/n- but you've just been through hell and back... Its okay to grieve." I say softly, trying not to make my tone at all frustrating.

She avoids my eyes, slowly plucking off each petal of the flower. "I know," She mumbles after awhile.

A wave of silence washes over us as I grow deep in thought.

I've never been good at comforting. Never. But she made me want to be- for her. I hated seeing her hurt so fucking much but knowing I could do absolutely nothing about it.

A normal person would appreciate a long hug and some encouraging words- but that wouldn't help her. It wouldn't help her because she was like me. Stubborn and filled with trust issues.

It could be helpful at times to know we were alike in ways, but it could also be heart breaking. I knew she wanted to go through this by herself. I knew she didn't want anyone to know her exact thoughts nor feelings. I knew she kept saying she was strong to try and convince herself of it.

And I know all of this, because its exactly what I'd do.

I'd build a wall up, and I'd let no one through. It wasn't something I was necessarily taught to do, it was just natural instinct to shut everyone else out. To give no one any chance to hurt me.

I've never showed vulnerability to anyone like I have to Y/n. There was a sense of comfort that she always gave me. She made me feel happy, important, and safe.

"Draco-" She says softly, slowly sitting up from my lap and turning to face me.

"Hm?" I question.

"When did you start fancying me?" She smirks, picking at a few pieces of grass.

I huff amusedly at her question before my head falls back as I think about my answer. "Third year, obviously."

"But-" She pauses, thinking of a way to put her words. "Merlin this sounds cheesy," A huff of air leaves her as she drops her head. "You know in the movies how there is that one moment where they really realize that they like someone?"

A small smile creeps onto my face. I knew exactly what she meant.

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience," I cock my head to the side, looking between her eyes.

"Well mine had to be the first time I saw him. I mean my eyes landed on him and my heart dropped. I remember leaning towards Pansy and saying 'Wow thats him?'" She acts it out as she tells me the story. "And that- thats how I fell in love with Vincent Crabbe."

I glare at her, though its hard not to join in on her laughter. I fucking love seeing her laugh. It made her even more gorgeous, as if that was possible.

"Really though- whats your memory?" I ask, my eyebrows lifting slightly.

"I'll tell mine after you tell yours." She continues to twirl a small flower between her fingers.

"Alright fine. It was third year, one of those nights we spent up in the astronomy tower," I begin to set the scene. "You had gotten some sort of letter from your mother, before you looked at me. You looked at me and asked if I wanted to play a game," A small smile comes to my lips at the memory. "And we did. We sat there and laughed. We joked around. We enjoyed each other's company."

She stares into my eyes, a genuine smile on her lips.

"Your turn," I smirk.

She rolls her eyes at me, before she starts to pick at a few more pieces of grass. "On the quidditch pitch that one night. You apologized to me in a way I thought nobody could ever apologize like." She bites her bottom lip gently.

I lick my lips before nodding my head slowly. "We almost kissed that night,"

"I remember," She mutters under her breath, keeping her head low, though I could tell she was smiling.

I reposition myself to be laying on my back, my head resting on my hands. "I never actually thought you'd forgive me,"

"I like doing things that are unexpected," She smiles before placing a small flower crown on my head that she had apparently been making this whole time.

"Oh?" I question, sitting up and taking the second crown in her hand to place it on her head.

"Mhm," She bites her bottom lip before slowly leaning in to kiss me.

I had always found it dramatic in movies or books when they'd talk about some sort of "spark" between a person. I understood it now.

Every time I kissed her I got that spark.

Every time she laughed or smiled a rush of happiness would rush through my body.

Every time she'd flirt and bicker with me I couldn't help but fall more and more.

And she was mine. My sweet, and beautiful Y/n.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
- - - - - -


the calm before the storm my lovelies, the calm before the storm... ;)

anyways thank you for reading. i love you very very much, go have an amazing weekend because you deserve it! mwah mwah mwah!

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