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BUBIESSSS I MISSED YOUUU!! I hope you're all doing well and feeling good!:)) just wanted to thank all of my sweet and beautiful followers trying to cancel me rn😩 (especially you astrid, you never fail to bully me🥰) LMAO JK (I promise it's a joke, you can check my message board if you'd like explanation lol)

Anyways, without further ado... enjoy;)

Months were passing by now as if they were days, and every day was the same; wake up, eat, go to classes, have rehearsal, sleep, then repeat.

It was now the beginning of May, meaning there was only about a month and a week of school left.

Nothing has changed over the last few months though. Classes were all the same, rehearsals were all the same, everything was all the same, really. Even the awkward tension with Daphne, and the lost friendship with Draco.

"You know, we actually held hands yesterday!" Daphne grins excitedly, as she watches for mine and Pansy's reactions.

"Wow, really?" I ask, forcing slight excitement in my voice.

Pansy and I were currently studying for end of year exams, meaning the last thing we wanted to hear was about Daphne's fake love life.

"Mhm! When he grabbed his script out of my hand, I swear there was a spark at his touch!" She dances around, humming quietly.

A loud snort leaves my mouth at her words, and my eyes widen immediately as Daphne gives me a questioning look.

"Sorry- something funny in the book." I lie, my face a tint of red from embarrassment.

Pansy's head snaps up to look at me, a small smirk plastered on her lips.

"What's so funny about history of magic?" Daphne asks confusedly, glancing between Pansy and I.

"Oh nothing.. just this wizard's name," I respond, a fake, slow laugh forcefully leaving my lips.

Daphne smiles weakly, before skipping over to my bed and peering down at the book. I lift it into my lap immediately, leaning back so she can't see it.

"What's his name?" She asks with a quiet laugh.

"Uh-" I hesitate, pretending to try and look for his name. "Professor..." I pause again, holding out the word. My eyes wander up and down the page, trying to find a word that she would find funny. "Professor Dingdong!" I suddenly blurt out.

"Oh," Daphne laughs, walking back over to her bed.

Pansy gives me a suspicious look, and I shrug slightly in return. Well that was a close call.

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The three of us walked to rehearsal together, though not many words are spoken. Conversation between us seemed to be much more about Daphne than anything or anyone else, meaning Pansy and I got bored with it very easily.

We'd always tell her how interesting her stories were, and how excited we were. Though, all of that was lies.

It wasn't necessarily fake though, it was more of trying to be supportive, though her selfishness and idiotic decisions made that hard.

Something was slightly confusing about all of it though. And that was the fact that I started believing it. Believing the stories, believing that the teasing and flirting was real. Believing... that Draco likes her back.

"Malfoy!" Daphne yells once we enter the auditorium, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Oh god no," I mutter under my breath, making sure only Pansy could hear me. She laughs quietly in response, though her face turns cold once Draco starts approaching us.

There's a boy behind him as well, who I've learned is Theodore Nott (though everyone calls him Theo). He plays Cogsworth so we have a few scenes together that we've practiced. He's a nice boy, and probably Draco's only friend who will actually tell him when his insults are too mean.

I give Theo a quick smile before zoning out. I didn't care enough to listen to everyone's conversation, especially Daphne's obnoxious giggling.

I stare at the ground for a few minutes, spinning a ring around my finger, and running random scenes in my head.

"Y/n!" A voice calls, making me jerk my head to their direction.

My eyes meet a boy walking over to me, a grin upon his face.

"Oh hi Harry!" I smile back at him, walking slightly over to him so I can escape the group I was currently avoiding talking to.

"Long time no talk," he jokes, finally reaching to stand in front of me.

"Very true," I laugh quietly with him, feeling slight comfort by talking to someone else.

"How have you been?" He asks, a sweet smile still on his face.

"I've been pretty good! What about you?" I answer, wondering if my words were truthful or not.

"Good!" He answers quickly, shifting his standing position slightly.

We smile awkwardly at each other for a moment before Mcgonagall's voice attracts our attention.

"May I have everyone's attention!" She announces, walking up onto the stage. Every student's head turns towards her, as conversation gets quieter.

"Talk to you later!" Harry whispers to me before walking back over to Ron and Hermione.

I smile weakly and nod at him before turning around and walking back to the group that consists of Pansy, Daphne, Draco, and Theo.

"I have an important announcement to make!" Mcgonagall says sternly, glaring at a few girls who were still talking.

I make a slightly confused look at Pansy, and she returns the expression. As my eyes gaze back over to Mcgonagall, they can't help but stop at a pair of grey eyes staring deeply at me.

My brows relax as my eyes seem glued to his, searching for any kind of expression. Though all I was met with was two stone cold eyes, seeming to act as daggers piercing throughout my body. He clearly wasn't happy, though it was hard to tell what he was.

His eyes suddenly glance behind me, his brows furrowing slightly. It doesn't take me much time at all to realize who he's looking at. Harry.

I turn my head over my shoulder to look at him, though he's already looking this way...not at me though.

My head quickly turns back to look at Draco, though his eyes are still set onto Harry. I roll my eyes in annoyance, and exhale in disbelief. My head shakes slowly as I turn my attention back to Professor Mcgonagall.

"Though our performances were set to be at the end of this month, we have had to change these arrangements." She announces, a look of disappointment growing upon her face.

My brows furrow slightly instantly, though I don't turn my head to see anyone's reaction.

"Since the Ministry of Magic is still working on catching criminal Sirius Black.." she pauses, sighing. "It is not safe for us to perform this year."

Quiet gasps fill the room, and surprised chatter erupts immediately. I bite my bottom lip nervously, though my eyes stay straight on Mcgonagall.

"I have spoken to Dumbledore about this, though, and we have decided," She pauses, making everything more dramatic than it needed to be. "That we will be performing next Fall."

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I feel like I haven't been super proud of the chapters lately but I honestly like this one so that makes me extremely happy lol. I hope y'all liked it as well:))

Also the whole having to postpone till "next fall" thing DID happen for my beauty and the beast as well, and I have a plan and reason for why it happens in this story as well;)

Anywayssss I love you SOO much and I missed you SOOO much MWAHHHHHH😗😗😗😗

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