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Hi bubsssss:)) might I say that you guys genuinely scare me with how early some of you are😭✋ also sorry this chapter is pretty short lol

Anyways, enjoy!:)


My strides our quick and long as I travel through the empty corridors. I was beyond sick of constantly fighting with Draco, though it wasn't really my fault.

Stubborn? As if...

I soon hear everyone's voices and footsteps fill the air behind me, as I realize rehearsals have just ended.

"Y/n!" I hear Pansy's voice yell out for me.

I turn my head to look back at her, though her expression is not what I was expecting.

"Daphne has something to tell us." She says, raising her brows as if suggesting something.

I furrow my brows slightly, confused at her strange attitude. She mouths a word secretly to me, and though its hard to tell what she's saying, I can understand it perfectly. Malfoy.

Oh god. Daphne was about to confess her feelings to us wasn't she?

I turn my head over to Daphne, and act confused and excited to the best of my abilities. Though, the only real emotion I was feeling was annoyance. It wasn't only the fact that she could like such an arse, but also the fact that Pansy and I had to pretend as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

Daphne quickly pulled Pansy and I into an empty classroom, an excited grin upon her lips. Her grip stayed tightly on my arm though, as she seemed to be quite nervous.

"Ok guys.. I have something to tell you.." She says nervously, finally letting go of our arms.

Pansy and I look confusedly at each other, though its hard not to laugh at our excellent acting. We both knew what this conversation would hold, why not make it an acting exercise?

Daphne takes a deep breath in, preparing herself for her next words.

"I fancy Draco." She says quickly, exhaling shakily.

The words want to make me laugh, honestly. I had told her everything about him. How much his words hurt me. How stupid he really was. Plus, I never said anything about him apologizing, nor me accepting it.

Yet, she still fancied him and expected me to jump and squeal about it.. so that's exactly what I did.

I gasp dramatically, a fake grin growing on my face.

"No, really!?" Pansy asks excitedly, though I can practically hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Yeah.." Daphne blushes, biting her bottom lip gently. "He's changed though, Y/n, I know it." She turns to me, an assuring look on her face.

I nod hesitantly at her, a fake smile plastered on my lips. He hasn't even said sorry, let alone "changed".

"Do you guys think he fancies me back?" She asks, squealing slightly.

There's a small moment of awkward silence as I think about what to say next, though Pansy comes to the rescue.. sorta.

"Of course he does!" She responds in a fake voice, though Daphne seems too excited to notice.

"Mhm!" I nod along, trying to hold in my laughter.

Apparently Pansy and I were actually quite good at acting.

"I'm so glad you guys think that! I think so too!" Daphne hugs us tightly.

"Yes of course!" I grin back at her, my cheeks growing tired from the fake smiling.

After lots of talking, and fake squealing of excitement, Pansy and I started walking back to the common room.

"Oh god," Pansy sighs, laughing slightly.

"My cheeks hurt from grinning so much." I say, rubbing my cheeks as I laugh quietly.

"I feel bad for her, you know?" Pansy turns her head to look at me, a look of concern upon her face.

I stare at her for a moment, my brows furrowed slightly in confusion.


"Well it's kind of obvious he doesn't like her back.."

"Oh.." I mumble, my gaze moving to the floor.

Although Daphne wasn't always the brightest, it did slightly upset me that she might get heartbroken. Especially after all the warnings she got about him.

There's a moment of silence between us as we keep walking, our energy becoming more sad.

"Are you okay with all of this?" Pansy asks quietly, breaking the silence after awhile.

"What do you mean?"

"Well- I'm not sure. It kind of seemed like you and Draco had a thing for each other."

My eyes widen at her words, my heart suddenly beating faster.

"What!?" I whisper yell, not wanting anyone to hear us talking.

"Oh c'mon, how blind are you?" Pansy responds, laughing slightly.

"Apparently very blind!"

Pansy raises her eyebrows knowingly, before turning her head back to see in front of her.

Draco and I fancying each other? No way.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
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can't wait to see how much y'all hate Daphne lmao

also in case you're wondering (because most of the things in this story is based off of my irl) yes. The whole friend liking the boy thing did happen in my personal story as well..😀

Anywaysss ilysmmm! Make sure to go follow my tik tok because I've been going live a lot more often and I love when my wattpad readers join!:)) user is sxmpfortheweasleys (same as here)

I love all of you sm and I hope you have a wonderful weekend MWAH😗

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