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hello bubs!! this chapter is beyond long as it is the Yule Ball😁😁😁

i apologize for any grammar mistakes. my eyes are so tired from typing so much so there might be a few that i missed lmao

anyways i suggest starting to song when they get to the Yule Ball/start dancing instead of at the beginning of the chapter.


"I havent eaten in six hours." Pansy sighs, plopping down to sit on her bed. She was in a long and puffy dark red colored dress- similar to the color of my own dress.

"Why not?" I question, my brows furrowed with concern.

"Had to fit snugly into this dress," She smiles, standing up and rubbing her hands down her waist as she admires herself in the mirror.

I roll my eyes at her, holding up my dress as if to see any mistakes, though I knew there wouldn't be. any It was a long dark red colored gown, with fabric that hugged my waist, though got loser as it went down.

Pansy and I had decided both to wear red colored dresses to "support" our Gryffindor dates, though there was revenge in both of our motives to buy these dresses. We knew Draco and Blaise would hate to see us in red.

"Aren't you just thrilled to see what Ron's got on?" I smile goofily at her, having seen a glance of his awful dress robes one day in the Great Hall.

She glares at me, crossing her arms over her chest. "I will not be spending the night with him if he shows up in those horrid robes."

"Oh don't lie to yourself, you won't be spending the night with him either way," I quirk an eyebrow, a small mischievous smirk growing on my lips.

She huffs, checking her hair in the mirror. "That is indeed true."

Her hair was made back into a low bun, two pieces of curled hair in front of her face along with her bangs.

"Time to put this gorgeous thing on," I smile slightly at the dress I was holding up in front of me.

Pansy claps quietly, grinning at me.

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Ron's jaw practically breaks as Pansy and I walk up to him and Harry. Harry was wearing simple dress robes, while Ron was wearing strange and almost frilly looking dress robes, causing my thankfulness for Harry being the one I was going with to rise.

Pansy gives me a silent beg for help once she sees what Ron's wearing, though I only give her a small smile in return. She definitely was not staying with him the whole night.

"Shall we?" Harry takes in a deep breath, before I wrap my arm around his forearm and we all begin walking.

We travel through a few dimly lighted corridors, before making it to a staircase that lead down to the Great Hall entrance. I pick up my dress with my hand that wasn't wrapped around Harry's arm before slowly walking down the staircase.

As I look up, I notice him. My mouth falls open slightly at the sight of Draco all dressed up in his dress robes. He locks eyes with me immediately, his lips parting slightly as well. His eyes slowly move down my body, before looking back up to my eyes, his mouth only parting further as I continue to walk down the stairs with Harry.

I try my best to take my eyes off of Draco to at least show a bit of respect for my own date, though as we make it down to the ground, I notice that Harry's eyes are on someone else as well. I follow his eyes, assuming at first that he's looking at how beautiful Cho looks, though I soon realize he's not looking at her, he's looking at her date. Cedric.

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