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(so sorry I've reposted this about 5 times lmao but Wattpad's comments were not working for some reason yesterday so I decided to repost it in case y'all want to come back and comment or if new people would like to comment!)

hey bubsss! if you couldn't already tell, I'm trying to get a chapter out every other day! though i don't want to make that super strict on myself, though i am sorry if i end up skipping a day or so.

anywayssss, enjoyyy;)

The night had ended with the group tiredly walking back to the castle, and luckily not getting caught my Filch. It took about 45 seconds after Pansy and I had gotten back to our dorm, before we had crashed onto our beds, and closed our eyes to fall asleep.

The next morning had come too soon for my liking, as I'd only gotten around three hours of sleep. I sluggishly get ready, slipping my clothes on as I fight to keep my eyes open.

"At least the night was fun," Pansy shrugs slightly, pounding makeup onto her face to cover up any tiredness.

"Yea-" I pause, as a yawn suddenly comes over me. "Yeah, for sure. That doesn't stop me from being tired as hell though."

Pansy nods understandably at my statement, before I grab my bag and head out of the dorm.

There are a good amount of students in the common room, though most were heading to breakfast. My eyes find Draco and Blaise quickly, as seeing that duo was very often for me. I walk over to them, and sit down on the couch they were at, a huff of exhaustion leaving me.

"Tired?" Draco teases, quirking an eyebrow arrogantly. I roll my eyes and turn my face to look at his.

"Are you not?" I ask annoyedly, though I couldn't care less what his answer would be.

He hums, pretending to think about his answer, something he did quite often. "Not at all." He shrugs, turning his head slowly to look at me.

I bite the inside of my cheek, forcing myself to have no reaction to his statement. We stare each other down for a moment, before Blaise moves his head to look at us, furrowing his brows in confusion slightly.

"Yeah.. we both drank a potion to help with sleepiness." Blaise breaks the silence, glancing between the two of us.

I finally break our eye contact by glancing at Blaise, raising my eyebrows curiously. "Oh? Where'd you get it?"

Blaise takes a breath in, preparing to answer, though Draco - who was still keeping his eyes on me - responds first. "I made it."

I glare at Draco for interrupting his friend, before turning back to Blaise. "Do you have any left? I know two girls who could use it." I huff humorously, my full focus on the dark haired boy.

"We've got a good amount left," Blaise shrugs, glancing over at Pansy who was tiredly walking over to us. "Good morning sleepy head." He laughs, quirking an eyebrow at the girl.

A small smile grows on my lips at his comment, before my attention turns back to Draco. "So, potion master, where is it?" I raise my eyebrows, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

A small smirk grows on his lips, "Master, huh?" He asks arrogantly, a stupid grin now upon his pale face.

"Shut the hell up, idiot." I roll my eyes, stomping on his foot that was near mine.

He keeps laughing for a little longer, before reaching into his robes, a smile still on his stupid lips. "I'll give it if you answer this question," He raises the potion, glancing at it before looking back at me.

"Wow being tired suddenly sounds delightful." I say with a fake smile before standing up and grabbing my bag.

Draco quickly grabs my wrist, pulling me back down to the couch. "Its not a bad one, I just want to know you're answer."

I sigh annoyedly, before turning my eyes to look at his. "What is it?"

"Did you have fun last night?"

I scoff at his question, my eyes rolling automatically. "Of course I had fun,"

He hands me the potion after I respond, a small smile upon his lips. "Then I've achieved my mission." He states proudly, before standing up from the couch. "Have a nice day, Y/n." The smile stays on his face, before he walks out of the common room.

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After taking the potion, I had gotten back my normal amount of energy back for the rest of the day. Neville had asked if I wanted to look for "fish and plants" in the lake with him and Harry, which I of course said yes to. I knew it wouldn't be tiring to spend time with a person such as him.

"Y'know, plants in any kind of water are actually quite fascinating." Neville points out, his eyes gazing around the water. Both of us standing about a foot into the lake, wearing big rain boots, with our pants rolled up to not get wet.

"I agree! Its interesting all of the different kinds and how different they can be from on land plants." I smile at him, before looking back into the water.

Harry nods, humming a small "mhm" before turning his attention back to his book. He had decided to not get in the water with us, and instead work on studying for a charms test.

I glance over at him, feeling slightly bad as I knew studying was one of the things I most hated doing. "Hows the reading going, Harry?" I ask, admiring some colorful rocks in the water.

"Pretty well I'd say, though not very fun. Hows the fish and plants going?" He looks over at Neville and I.

I look over at Neville, silently telling him that it was his question to answer. "Good! I love looking at things like this. How're you enjoying yourself, Y/n?" He looks at me, a happy grin on his face.

"I'm enjoying it quite a lot." I grin back at him, admiring his sweet personality.

We continue looking through the water for a few minutes more before a group of three distracts us. My brows furrow slightly in confusion as I watch Ron, Ginny, and Hermione angrily walk over to us.

I hear hushed whispers coming from Hermione before Harry confusedly gets up and walks over to them.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione says confusedly, a tense tone in her voice that always seemed to be there.

"Well- what?" Harry gets prepared to speak back to Ron, though clearly none of it made sense to any of us.

"Uh-" Hermione pauses, before turning around and walking over to Ron. They whisper quietly to each other, the red haired boy seeming very angry at his best friend.

"Dean was told by Parvati that- oh please don't ask me to say it again." Hermione stutters, ending the sentence with a sigh. "Hagrid's looking for you." She states.

"Well you can tell Ron that-" Harry replies angrily, though the girls interrupts him immediately.

"Im not an owl!" She yells annoyedly, before turning around and storming off. Her head spins back to glare at me, her brows knitted closely.

I glance at Neville to make sure its not him she's glaring at, though it was clear that it was me, the one who had absolutely nothing to her.

I scoff quietly at her action, before focusing my attention on Harry who had seemed angry but also sad at the same time. I frown at his expressions before looking back into the water, taking my mind off of whatever had just happened.

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i think i might start working on a discord server for all my readers, and whoever wants to join it can! if you're not comfortable sharing your discord in the comments, definitely feel free to just message me it!!

anyways i really hope you enjoyed, thank you for the continuos support and love, remember that this will always be a safe space for everyone, and its always a fun place to make friends. i love youuu, mwah!

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