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Hello lovely bubsss, I apologize for not posting for a few days! I was honestly avoiding writing this chapter lmaoo so ik its a trash excuse but thats the reason
Song of the chapter:

Out of love - Alessia Cara
(Lowkey hoping some of y'all recognize this song from a past chapter😏)

Anyways, goodluck lmaoo

The rest of the week went by normally, including rehearsals, which were becoming more fun then I thought they would ever be. It ruined my mood whenever I thought of the show ending, as we had made so many fun memories within the cast, that I knew I would miss.

It was now Saturday, meaning Hogsmeade day. And although I wish I could've gone, I had lots and lots of homework to catch up on, so I decided it was best to stay in the castle (A choice that Pansy was not happy about me making).

Nothing about studying was fun, really. I normally loved reading, did it often and enjoyed it whenever I did. Though when it came to reading from a boring book about potions, absolutely nothing struck my interest as my brain barely processed what my eyes scanned over.

As I sit on my bed, writing my potions essay, I hear a scratch on the window, causing my eyes to immediately glance that direction.

Crow was sitting on the edge of the window, a piece of parchment in his mouth, as he uses his talons to let me know he's there.

"Oh hey buddy," I say quietly to myself, as it was obvious he couldn't hear, nor understand me.

I get up and walk over to the window, putting as much strength as I have into sliding it open, as those windows were who knows how old. I hold my now healed wrist out for him to step up on, before shutting the window and making my way back to my bed.

"What do you have there, Crow?" I speak to him once again, not really caring that he still couldn't understand me.

As I take the letter from his beak, a strange feeling flows throughout my body, causing chills to run down my spine. Something just didn't seem... right.

I open the letter cautiously, almost instantly recognizing the handwriting as my father's.

I slowly turn my head to glance at Crow one more time, taking a deep breath in, before beginning to read the letter.


I hope you've been doing well recently, and I'm hoping your still enjoying school.

Though it severely pains me to have to write this to you, you would have to find out one way or another.

As you know, your mother has been enjoying her time as an actress for quite awhile now. Recently though, events have taken place that have let me know that she isn't quite in love with me anymore.

And though I'm deeply saddened by this news, I hope that you and I can learn to be proud and happy for her and her new relationship.

Because of this, your mother and I have officially decided to get a divorce.

My heart drops. My breathing stops. My whole body freezes.

Divorce. One of the things I feared most within my family.

I set the letter down shakily, my eyes not being able to move from the shock.

The two people I had always dreamed of having a relationship like. The people who made me want to be loved just like they loved each other. My mother and father, were no more.

They didn't love each other anymore, instead they loved others. Others who weren't each other. Others who didn't raise a child with them. Others who were ruining this family piece by piece without even knowing it.

The word others repeats in my mind continuously, as tears fill up my vision. A small sob leaves my lips, before I cover my mouth and close my eyes. As tears wash down my cheeks, I try my best to take a few deep breaths in before wiping away the tears and standing up.

I knew I probably would regret this decision later, but he was the only one who I knew would understand, and who wasn't currently at Hogsmeade.

So as I walk to Draco's dorm, still struggling to breathe, and tears probably stained on my cheeks, I try to distract my thoughts onto something else.

Though as I knock on the door, my mind feels blank. I hadn't thought much about what I was doing, though at this moment, I couldn't have cared less.

It wasn't until I hear footsteps approaching, then the door opening that my eyes widen slightly at the realization of where I was. With a muttered "shit" under my breath, I lift my chin, and put a fake smile on my face.

"Uh hi- I couldn't really tell you what Im doing here- I just- Well I-" I stutter, constantly looking down to hide any sign of tears.

"Are you okay?" He interrupts, something in his voice seeming so genuine and comforting at the moment.

I finally meet his eyes at the words, my heart beating quickly. "Um-" My voice shakes, tears quickly filling within my eyes. "No- not really." I cover my mouth, drowning out the sounds of my sobs.

I can barely process arms wrapping around me in a hug, and the door closing, as I continue to sob, tightly shutting my eyes as I hope this feeling goes away. This feeling of sadness, and confusion. This feeling, of emptiness.

I hear quiet "shhh" from the blonde, as I try to breathe normally, my breath extremely shaky, and my eyes dry from so many tears.

I knew his shirt was probably soaking with all my tears, though nothing could bother me right now. I hadn't ever felt something this strong before, and I absolutely hated it.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
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once again I apologize for the short chapter, I promise the next few will be FUN and longer!

comment your discord if you wanna join the server! (Or message me if your not comfy with sharing it in the comment section!)

I hope you're not feeling tooooo sad, remember that I love you dearly!! mwahh<333

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