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hi bubsss! wow this chapter is LONG.

it's pretty intense and ummm intense😄


"Alright alright I'm ready!" Pansy groans annoyedly, grabbing her coat quickly.

The third and final task was to take place in about 10 minutes, yet Pansy and I were still in our dorm, hurrying to get ready.

"Merlin the boys are gonna kill us-" I sigh before we both sprint out of the dorm and to the common room where Draco, Blaise, and Theo all stand impatiently for us.

"Any reasonable excuses?" Theo quirks his eyebrow while turning around to leave the common room, everyone following behind him.

"None that you'd like to hear," I squint my eyes at him sassily.

"You're correct about that," He scrunches his nose up sassily back to me.

It was funny how similar Theo and I's sense of humor was. We acted like sister and brother, always making fun of each other or starting stupid little tantrums.

The group continues to quickly speed through the castle, before a small gasp leaves me. "Shit-" I mutter under my breath, my body freezing. "I forgot my coat- I'll be back," I say quickly before turning around and running back to the dorms.

I hear a small annoyed groan leave everybody in the group before I turn the corner of a corridor, my feet moving quicker than my brain.

If it wasn't for my many suspicions of Professor Moody, I never would've noticed his croaky voice in one of the empty corridors near me.

My feet begin to slow down as I try to keep my panting quiet.

"Yes yes its all set up." Moody growls impatiently, talking to some other person in the corridor.

I slowly move closer to the corridor, my back sliding against the cold castle walls, as I make sure I'm not heard nor seen.

"What if it doesn't work?" A nervous man speaks, who I couldn't recognize the voice of.

"The Dark Lord himself taught me how to set up portkeys, I'm sure it will work." Moody croaks back.

What the hell.

Voldemort? Taught Mad-Eye Moody?

My brain goes wild with thoughts of what he meant. I knew what portkeys were. They were some sort of object that when touched would transport you to somewhere else, specifically wherever the creator made it to transport you to. But why was there a portkey in the first place? And why the hell did Voldemort teach Professor Moody how to make one?

From the information I got from students talking about Moody, I learned he was an Auror. An Auror meant someone who fought off dark magic. The exact thing Voldemort aimed to rise up with.

I cant really imagine Moody and Voldemort having a nice cup of tea together for the one with dark magic to teach the one who hated dark magic how to do something.

"And its at the center of the maze? How will you be sure the other champions wont get it?" The nervous man asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I've set traps up for each of them, and taught Potter all of the spells he'll need to use." Moody announces quite proudly. I cant hear exactly whats happening, though it sounds as if a flask opening.

The flask.

Oh my Merlin-

It all slowly started to hit me, my heartbeat quickening by the second.

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