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Hi bestie bubsss!! Sorry I haven't posted in 2 days, I've actually been pretty busy (I'll explain more at the end of the chapter lol)

Anyways, enjoyyyy!:)

It's weird, really, how much I seem to visit Dumbledore's office. Every time I get a feeling there's something I don't know the full truth to, yet I can't create the words to ask a question. So I sit and stare at him in confusion- just like I was doing right now.

"My sincere apologize for interrupting your rehearsal time, Miss Y/l/n." Dumbledore says, a kind smile upon his lips.

"No worries, I have lots of rehearsals." I smile back at him.

I seemed to be getting slightly more comfortable around him, as I apparently was getting to know him more. Though, confusion usually overpowered the comfortableness.

"Right, right." He nods, pausing for a moment. "How are those going by the way?"

There's a small moment of silence as I think about my next words. I obviously didn't want my headmaster to turn into my therapist, though I don't know if my lying will be good enough.

"It's going good. A slight bit of drama but..." I say, exhaling shakily. "-good."

He hums quietly, a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Is there a reason you've called me up here?" I ask, breaking the silence. My voice came off slightly more impatient than I'd expected, but I smile to try and cover it up.

"Right!" He exclaims, seeming to have a light bulb turn on inside his head. "I've heard a little bit from Professor Lupin on your lessons, but I'd like your say in them."

"Oh.. they're going good." I smile weakly, not sure on what else to say.

"You seem to like that word a lot, Miss Y/l/n," Dumbledore laughs quietly. "I'm glad everything in your life seems to be 'good' though."

I laugh awkwardly along with him, playing anxiously with a necklace I was wearing.

There's a moment of silence once again, the only noise being the dinging of a clock to the left of us.

"Might I ask what your patronus was?" He asks quietly, not breaking eye contact.

"It was a Phoenix, sir." I answer, my voice quiet as well.

A spark of joy seems to appear in his eyes, as a small smile grows on his face.

"Really?" He asks, seeming intrigued by my answer.

"Yes," I respond hesitantly, nodding my head slowly.

"Fascinating." He mutters under his breath, leaning back in his chair.

I smile weakly, though I'm not sure if I should take it as a compliment.

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It only takes a few more minutes of awkwardness for Dumbledore to excuse me out of his office. I quickly rush through the school, to get back to the auditorium, thoughts and questions filling my head.

I always felt confused when I left his office, though most people felt that way when they spoke to him as well.

Thoughts were still flooding through my head as I swung the auditorium door open, though my fast pace was soon hit by another body.

"Oh gosh I'm so sor-" I start, though soon pause when I realize who it is. "Oh- Daphne.." I laugh awkwardly.

She laughs awkwardly along with me for a little, standing up and dusting off her skirt.

There had definitely been a slight tension between the two of us since she confessed her feelings about Draco. She knew I don't think he's changed, and I know she thinks he has. And disagreements cause awkwardness, and tension.

"Oh, hello.." she keeps laughing awkwardly, holding a hand out to help me up. "So sorry about that. I'm just trying to hide Draco's ring from him." She giggles.

It takes everything in me not to scoff in annoyance, and scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Ohh... haha." I respond, ignoring the hand she has out to help me up, and getting up by myself.

I suddenly see Draco start approaching us, and immediately start backing away.

"Well I've got to go now!" I say quickly, as Draco takes his last few steps towards Daphne.

She smiles at me, until she notices Draco, and her lips immediately fall into a frown. It was clear she had realized thats why I was leaving, and it was clear that it made her sad. But I guess that's what happens when your friend likes a boy that slut shamed you; awkward interactions.

The last hour of rehearsal was filled with Pansy and I watching disgustedly as Daphne and Draco 'flirted'. Though, I really wouldn't call it flirting.

It was more of Daphne giggling constantly, while pushing or punching him teasingly, as Draco would look extremely uncomfortable and fake laugh along to it.

Another part of Daphne's flirting was stealing. Stealing his rings, stealing his script, or even his wand, which obviously annoyed him extremely. She never seemed to notice his constant annoyance though... good for her.

They were also constantly getting in trouble by Mcgonagall, though it wouldn't surprise me if Daphne was just trying to get a detention with him. I bet Mcgonagall is rethinking her choices about not making Daphne a silly girl. Even if she isn't, I'm rethinking her decisions for her.

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Y'all honestly hated Daphne more than I expected lmao but I guess that's a good thing in this case.

Anywaysss so basically my oldest sister and some of her college friends are coming to stay at our house for a few nights because we live in a state where they've never been and are extremely interested in lmao. So basically I'm gonna be extremely busy for the next few days with them, so if I don't post for about 3-4 days that's why. I'm also staying in my parents room, and nighttime is usually the time I write lol sooo idk if I'll be able to... especially because no one in my life knows about this story😭✋

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter! I apologize for the break I have to take. I LOVE YOUUU MWAHHH

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