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hi bubs! sorry this chapter is kind of short, but i promise the next are literally gonna be some of the most exciting chapters in the whole book so uh get ready😁😁😁😁

(i went through multiple of my playlists on spotify and i really cannot find one they describes this chapter lmao soooo pick whatever you'd like!)


The grass sways lightly with the wind, though the sun still shines brightly as Pansy and I sit on a quilt, watching Blaise and Draco practice quidditch. It seemed almost funny to say we were "watching" them, when really we were doing anything but that. Though it turns out that the rare glance up to Draco was never a bad sight.

As my book bores me, I make a quick glance up to him, a small smile appearing on my lips as I see Blaise and him laughing. I feel Pansy's eyes on me moments later, though I stare at my book intensely, almost scared of whatever might come out of her mouth.

"Its almost too easy to tell when boys are jealous," Pansy states randomly, moving her eyes back down to the book in her hands.

My brows furrow slightly in confused, and my eyes look upwards to think about her words. "What does that have to do with anything?" I glance at her.

She shrugs lightly, sighing as she leans back on her arms. "Last night. Something seemed off about him, am I wrong?"

Though I know exactly what and who she was talking about, I decide to play dumb. "Him?"

She nods, looking over to Draco who was soaring through the air, the quaffle buried in his arm.

"Why would something seem off?" I question, avoiding eye contact.

A humorous huff leaves her lips, before she takes my book and shuts it loudly. "Well you didn't exactly seem too mad about that kiss Theo gave you."

I give her another questioning look, very much wishing I still had my book to look at for some kind distraction.

"You were blushing, Y/n," She frowns slightly, glancing once again at Draco.

My eyes widen immediately at the memory. Did everyone notice my blushing? Did everyone think I fancied Theo?

"Well it wasn't because of Theo," I say quickly in panic, though realize I shouldn't have said anything at all.

Pansy furrows her brows at my statement, leaning forward with interest. "What?"

I sigh quietly as I look at her, taking a quick look at Draco before looking back at Pansy. "Theo had said something... before he kissed me."

I can practically feel the curiosity radiating off of Pansy as I speak, though there was no way I'd ever tell anyone what he had whispered in my ear.

"Oh? Do share," Pansy quirks an eyebrow, clearly expecting something inappropriate.

My thoughts start flooding immediately, wondering if I should lie, tell the truth, or push the whole subject away. telling the truth was almost not even an option though, and I knew Pansy would never let the subject go. Lying it is.

"Nothing, really. Just something I found embarrassing." I laugh awkwardly and quietly, picking at a patch of grass.

I can barely see Pansy nodding slowly, though a huff of relief leaves me as she does.

We sit in silence, only the noise of brooms flying and birds chirping being heard, creating a very relaxing setting. Though theres a new noise introduced to my ears, causing my head to lift up.

An owl comes overhead, dropping two envelopes onto Pansy and I. Before glancing at the envelope in my lap, I watch as the owl flies through the quidditch field, confusing Draco and Blaise before they continue to practice.

I open the letter at the same time as Pansy, as we were both eager to find out what it would say.

We make eye contact for a moment before both unfolding our pieces of parchment and reading.

Dear Y/n,

Its so exciting getting to send you a letter, and Im so happy about the thought of talking to you once again.

I miss Hogwarts dearly, along with our small friend group, though I have exciting news that Ive decided to share with you and Pansy.

Since I participated in the school musical for a little, and have somewhat of a role, I have been able to convince my parents to let me come back to Hogwarts for a little and perform with everyone!

I'm guessing you're just as excited as I am about this, tell everyone I say hi!

Cant wait to see you all next week!

With love and excitement, Daphne

A humorous huff is all that comes out of my mouth, before I set the letter down, staring straight ahead in amazement.

Pansy quickly takes my letter, comparing it to hers to make sure we had both read the same thing. "What the hell?"

I turn my head to look at Pansy, my jaw clenched with irritation. "Yay." I say unenthusiastically.

The boys land soon after, jogging over to us with confused expressions.

"Whats wrong?" Blaise asks me, as Pansy huffs angrily, laying down on the ground.

"Read for yourself." I hand him my letter, noticing that Draco is reading it along with him. I gather a few things that I brought with me and stuff it in my bag, before quickly standing up.

I don't understand what Draco says after reading it, as its under his breath, though I can see neither of them look too thrilled.

I hold my hand out to help Pansy stand up, trying to avoid any eye contact with Draco. There was no obvious answer as to why I was trying to avoid his eyes, but it felt as though I needed to at this moment.

Him and Daphne had gotten weirdly close before she moved, causing even more hatred between the blonde and I, so I knew if I was angry enough, that I would say something nasty to him.

Once everything is packed up, I start to quickly walk back to the castle, not even the sound of Pansy telling me to slow down, making me slow down.

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sorry if it takes a few days to get the next chapter out, i'm planning on making it either really long or split it up into two chapters, though the chapters will still be long so i apologize if it takes a little time to get it out!

anyway i hope you enjoyed! goodluck to all of my readers who are starting or have already started school back! try not to stress too much! love youuu mwahhh!!<3333

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