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Hello bubsss! Ok this is gonna be the last chapter I'm posting today, but I really hope you've enjoyed this little binge of chapters! Let me know if I should do it again sometime!

(FUTURE A/N: hello from the future ! nobody has brought this up but i would just like to officially say that ever since i thought of adding "hedric" to my story, my mind immediately thought of cedric as only 2 years older than harry. and although i'm pretty sure he's 3 years older than him, i just want to officially announce that in this specific story he will be only 2 years older than harry (so 16) i'm sorry i didn't clarify this sooner, thank you for not absolutely hating on me lmao)

I hope you enjoy!

The Dark Forces: a Guide to Self Protection is the current book I am studying, as I sit under a tree, leaning up against the trunk.

The weather was beautiful today, and practically called me to study outside, so I did exactly that.

I had just finished school for the day, though since we had a test coming up in DADA I decided why not take a look in this big book?

I had been reading throughout a few chapters for around 30 minutes before a tall boy walked over to me, causing a small smile to form on my lips.

"Hi Cedric," I grin, slightly surprised at his visit.

"Hey," he smiles back, though something seems off about his attitude.

"Something wrong?" I ask, furrowing my brows slightly with concern.

"Well nothings wrong technically, I just need some... advice."

I gesture for him to sit down against the tree across from me, before closing my book and leaning forward slightly to show I was listening.

"It's about Harry... Harry Potter," he states awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands.

"I've heard of him," I joke, trying to ease the slight tension.

Cedric laughs for a short moment, before his worried appearance comes back.

"Well I was going to talk to Ron and Hermione, because I know how close they are to him... but Ron seems- well he seems scared of me... and Hermione seems like she's judging me no matter what I do or say,"

"Been there," I laugh quietly, though continue to listen to his problems.

"And my next resort is you." He shrugs slightly. "And you don't seem to be scared of me, nor plotting my death,"

"That is indeed true," I smile comfortingly at him, picking a few pieces of grass from the ground. "What's the advice you need?"

"Do you know if- well if Harry.. y'know, fancies someone?" He asks curiously, barely breaking eye contact.

"Oh I'm not sure, do you have any suspicions?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Well I think he might fancy this one person- this one girl-" He laughs awkwardly. "But I'm not sure how to tell exactly."

"Oh?" I question further, raising my eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah... do you know how he acts when he fancies someone?" Cedric asks, a hint of hopefulness in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't know... I could talk to him about it sometime if you'd like," I suggest, trying not to sound as suspicious as I really was about this whole situation.

"That would be great!" Cedric grins. "Oh- but don't tell him I was the one asking,"

"Right.. of course not," I nod, smiling slightly.

"Ok, great! Well.. see you at rehearsal," He says quickly, getting up and dusting off his pants.

"Mhm! See you then," I wave goodbye, before trying to process everything that just happened.

Why was he questioning about Harry? Especially about who Harry fancies?

My mind fills with questions and different thoughts about what had just happened, though a comforting voice interrupts them shortly after.

"What was that all about?" Pansy asks confusedly, a small smirk on her face, as she walks over to me.

"Cedric asking things about Harry," I answer, sounding as confused as I really was.

Pansy's eyebrows furrow immediately, before she takes a seat where Cedric had just sat, across from me.

"Why?" She questions further.

"I have no idea," I shrug, as I pick up my book again.

We sit in comfortable silence for about two minutes, me reading, and Pansy picking at the ground before she talks again.

"Y/n- can I ask you a question?"

"Yes of course," I respond, my brows furrowing slightly with confusion and concern.

"Blaise... what do you think about him? Do you think he might actually fancy me or is he just that way with every girl?" She asks, a hint of sadness in her voice.

A small smile forms on my lips, before I let out a quiet laugh, only making Pansy more confused.

"He can be flirty with other girls, but not nearly as much as he is with you." I explain, quirking an eyebrow.

"That's probably just our roles in the musical though," Pansy responds unsurely, a small frown on her face.

"Are you sad about Blaise Zabini not being in love with you, even though he actually is?" I ask dramatically, laughing.

Her eyes widen immediately, and her face heats up slightly.

"I am not!" She exclaims, before quickly standing up. "I'm going to go now because you are no help."

Her fake statement only makes me laugh more, before I childishly wave her goodbye, earning an eye roll back.

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this feels incredibly strange to edit three chapters in a row lol. Anyways I hope this chapter showed how close Y/n and Pansy really are, because Cedric was more scared to ask her but Pansy just straight up did lol

anywaysss this is actually goodbye now, I love you very very very much, mwah mwah mwah

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