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hi bubs! yes i may have cried when i wrote the number 50 but like omg 50 CHAPTERS⁉️ literally thank you so much for not leaving me yet LMAO😩

I'm not sure what to make the song for the chapter be because honestly it's kind of a confusing one⁉️ but my go to would always be fahrradsattel when reading my story so feel free to listen to it!

anyways without further adooo, enjoy!!

I hadn't been able to stop thinking about the look I had gotten from Hermione over the weekend. I had tried over and over to think of absolutely anything that I may have done to offend her or make her easily angered attitude mad.

Though something in me wanted to know. Or at least, make it right.

After our last class had ended on Monday I quickly pack my bag and hurry over to the girl, who also seemed to be in a rush. My brows furrow slightly in confusion as she practically runs out of the classroom, causing me to speed up to catch up to her.

"Hey! Can we talk?" I smile politely, trying to not act as out of breath as I really was. Goodness that girl was quick.

She rolls her eyes sassily before aggressively turning to look at me. "Not really," She states as if I'm the most stupid person she's ever spoken to. She turns back and walks away, causing my fake smile to fall, and my eyes to glare at her.

I scoff annoyedly before jogging up to her, not even caring if she didn't want to talk. "Ok, don't want to play the nice game? Thats fine by me, but what I do wanna know is why you treat me like absolute shit for no clear reason." I say, straightening my posture, ready to play whatever game she's acting out.

Hermione's jaw falls slightly in surprise, before she closes it quickly and crosses her arms uncomfortably. I can tell she's biting the inside of her cheek, resisting the urge to tell me the truth.

"Im not meaning to start a fight, okay?" I reassure her, though keep the stern tone in my voice. "Though if you haven't realized, we're playing Belle and Ms. Potts in October so if you can't pull whatever your dealing with together, it'll very much upset Professor Mcgonagall."

I can tell I said the right thing, by the small gasp that leaves her lips. Of course she wouldn't want to upset a teacher.

A frustrated noise leaves her before she finally speaks. "You and Harry! I know you fancy him, and if you two end up together- well you know, you're a Slytherin, of course you'll break his heart."

My thoughts totally move past the last thing she said before I respond. "I'm sorry? You think I fancy Harry!?"

Hermione's eyebrows furrow slightly with confusion. "Well- yeah.." She says, almost as if its a question.

A singular laugh leaves me from her response, not even sure how to respond. "I guarantee you I do not fancy Harry. Plus even if I did, thats extremely wrong of you to consider me within the stereotypical Slytherin, and assume I'd ever break anyones heart." I turn more stern.

She stays silent for a moment, processing everything I had said. "So-... you don't like Harry like that?" She asks once more, seeming more confused than I had ever seen her.

"No-" I laugh more. "I do not."

"Oh.." Hermione stays silent, her eyes still wandering around everywhere as she continues to process the words she was just told.

"Well, now that we've worked that out, can you stop considering me the stereotypical Slytherin student?" I ask, a slight relief filling me.

She nods slowly, though I've realized it'll take her awhile to get used to me, so a small nod is more than I could ask for.

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