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hey bubs! if we're being honest i wrote this whole chapter and then decided i didn't like it so i  deleted it all and rewrote it 😁 but i'd rather do that than post a chapter i'm not proud of yk 😙

but anyways, enjoy!!

After Draco and I's long awaited confession, we both decided to go back to the wedding reception not as a couple. It's not as if we weren't excited about what had just occurred, we both just wanted to have a little time to enjoy it for ourselves, free of any judgment from others.

There was a very small chance our close friends would actually judge us after announcing to them we were together, though it did seem nice to have some time to process by ourselves and take everything slow.

Plus the adrenaline of sneaking around together never hurt.

As I lay in bed, my body freshly washed and my pajamas a very comfortable fabric, I can't help but stare at the ceiling. My eyes are fully open, my brain not at all focused on sleep, the corner's of my lips rising at the memory of the last few hours.

I had been considering telling Pansy of what had happened ever since I saw her while walking back into the reception. It was always hard keeping Draco and I a secret from her when we were 'together' last year, but the urge was even harder to fight now. I had just said my first romantic I love you to someone and my best friend didn't even know.

I shift to lay on my side, looking at her as she peacefully sleeps on the bed next to mine. My teeth catch my bottom lip, biting it gently as I think.

After a few moments of thinking, I can no longer control myself. "Pansy," I whisper yell to her, sitting up in my bed.

"What?" She responds groggily, her voice full of annoyance. I don't blame her for being mad at me interrupting her slumber, though I knew it'd be worth it for news like this.

"Can we talk?" I ask quietly, getting up from my own bed to go and sit on hers.

She squints her eyes at me while shifting positions to lay on her back. "In the middle of the fucking night?" She asks grumpily, her words slurred together as she speaks.

A smile forms on my lips as I decide on what to tell her to wake her up. "I told Draco I love him tonight at the wedding reception." I blurt out before fully processing what I'm saying.

Her eyes widen immediately as she chaotically sits up against the headboard. She stares at me with her jaw-dropped, small shocked noises leaving her mouth as she attempts to speak.

"You-" She begins, though pauses for a moment. "You- what?!"

A small laugh leaves me at her shock, my head slowly nodding. "Yeah. It was amazing, honestly. We were dancing together at the wedding and I just got so caught up in my feelings for him that I couldn't help but say it."

She stares in awe for a moment longer, clearly not over her shock.

"Merlin I knew there was something between you two," She laughs in disbelief, her tone full of excitement. "Well how did he respond?!"

I bite my bottom lip to try to control the grin that appears on my face. "Well, firstly he grabbed me and kissed me,"

"Eeeeee!" Pansy squeals excitedly, her hands rising up to rest on her cheeks in a way to show her exhilaration.

My smile somehow grows wider at her reaction.

"And then he told me he loves me too," I explain, my stomach swirling giddily as I recall the moment.

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