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I was surprised to learn that Draco was returning home for Easter. Although he wasn't excited to be going home, he didn't appear to completely resent the fact that he was. I think he just needed a change of scenery and didn't especially want to sit at Hogwarts alone while I wasn't there. I for one had become more excited about my decision to return home. I was excited to be back in my room, back with my parents, and most importantly, in a more relaxed and bright environment.

The weeks prior to Easter flew by, and before I knew it, I was on the Hogwarts Express. I was oddly anxious, the train seeming to merely inch forward. My leg kept bouncing impatiently, and I soon found that I couldn't sit still any longer.

"I'm going to take a walk." I said to Draco, patting his leg as I stood up. He looked up at me with a quizzical expression, but just nodded his head in response.

I walked through the Hogwarts Express, noting how it wasn't very full. I didn't have any particular destination or a person that I was hoping to see, I just felt the need to be on the move. Sitting in that compartment had me feeling much too antsy for no good reason. My eyes widened in delighted surprise when I saw Ginny sitting alone in a compartment in the Hogwarts section. I quickly opened the door to her compartment, shutting it behind me before I plopped down on the bench facing her.

"Gemma, hi!" Ginny said, a smile lighting up her face when I entered.

"You're going home for Easter?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

"Yeah, mum said I could come home. Thank Merlin, I really didn't want to sit at Hogwarts for two weeks. It's bad enough with classes, I couldn't bear to sit there with nothing to do." Ginny replied.

I nodded in agreement. "I felt the exact same way." I said. I let my eyes take in her appearance. It had been a long time since the two of us truly got to talk. It started with the tension between the two of us when Draco and I started dating, and that had only gotten worse when her and Harry had begun dating. We had the chance to clear the air between us when I attended her brother's wedding, but with all the new rules and discomfort that had taken over Hogwarts, we barely even got the chance to say hello.

"How have you been?" Ginny asked, leaning forward in her seat as well so that she could rest her elbows upon her knees, her chin resting on her knuckles.

"Good." I said out of habit. I chuckled slightly when I realized how silly that sounded. "Well, I guess not good. As good as I can be in such circumstances. But, how are you?" My eyebrows furrowed together as I really studied her. I could only imagine how hard it must be for her to not know the whereabouts of both her brother and her boyfriend.

The twinkle in her eyes disappeared as Ginny slumped back in her seat, a sigh escaping her. "As good as I can be under such circumstances." She said back, flashing me something that was a mixture of a forced smile and a smirk. "I worry, you know?"

"Of course." I said softly. I rose from my spot and went to sit beside her, taking her hand in mine. I gave her hand a small squeeze, flashing her a small, tight smile. "I worry too, Ginny. But I can only imagine."

"I just wish I knew something." She sighed, her eyes turning away from me so that her gaze was trained on the corridor of the train. "I guess no news is better than bad news."

"That's how I've been trying to think of it." I hummed in agreement. "Not a day goes by that I don't wonder where they are. If they're okay. I know it's got to be harder for you, but I do have an inkling of the dread you must be feeling."

Ginny turned her head back to me, a shadow of an appreciative smile taking form on her face. "I've missed talking to you." She sighed softly.

"I've missed talking to you too, Ginny." I said in response. She leaned her head against my shoulder, and I leaned my head against her hair.

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