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"Gemma!" Was the first sound I heard in the morning. The sound of my mother pounding on the door and shouting my name. "You have a visitor!"

I groaned, groggily sitting up in my bed. I had a what now? I was thoroughly confused, my head pounding ever so slightly.

"Gemma!" My mother shouted once again.

I threw the covers off of my body, glancing to my left and seeing Hermione sprawled out and in a deep sleep beside me. I forced myself out of the bed and to my bedroom door, throwing it open to find my mother there.

"What?" I basically moaned, pushing my hair out of my face.

"You have a visitor." My mother said, appearing to be relatively breathless. She sucked in a deep breath, eyeing me in the process. "Maybe you should wash your face and get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs."

Before I could question her further, my mother had turned away from me and began descending the stairs. "Shit." I muttered to myself. I quickly splashed some water on my face and ran a toothbrush through my mouth before tying my hair up in a high ponytail and changing out of my pajamas and into a pair of leggings and a simple tee.

I chugged half the full glass of water sitting on my nightstand, Hermione still being asleep in my bed. I shook out my limbs, begging my body and mind to feel more awake, before making my way down the stairs. Shock was the first thing I felt when I saw Draco standing in the foyer. And then it all came back to me. Under Hermione's influence, I had written Draco telling him we needed to talk. Fuck.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out, standing on the second to bottom stair of the staircase.

"You told me we needed to speak?" Draco said, speaking slowly though his tone emphasized his confusion.

"Uh, yes." I mustered out, feeling bewildered as I stood there. Although my decision to write to him had come back, I still felt overwhelmed by how quickly he'd shown up. "Would you give me a moment??"

"Uh, sure." Draco said uncertainly, looking from me to his surroundings, uncertainty flashing over his features.

I quickly ran back up the stairs to my bedroom and lifted a pillow, smacking Hermione repeatedly with it.

"Merlin, what is it!" Hermione exclaimed, reluctantly lifting her head from my mattress.

"Draco fucking Malfoy is downstairs!!" I exclaimed desperately.

Hermione's lips formed into a large 'O' before she slowly pulled herself into a seated position. "He's...He's here? Like, downstairs?" She asked slowly, clearly trying to force herself out of her previously asleep state.

"Yes!" I breathed out, knowing my eyes must have been wide and wild based off of what I felt. "What the fuck do I do?!"

"Go talk to him?" Hermione said, giving me a look like I was crazy for even asking.

"Right. Right, obviously I need to talk to him. I didn't think he'd respond so quickly! I mean – Merlin, I was drunk when I sent him that letter! What the hell do I say!?" I exclaimed.

"Gemma, it's okay." Hermione said, finally having gathered herself. She sat up straight on my mattress, pulling a pillow onto her lap. "You wrote him that letter, drunk or not, because you want to speak with him. You two have unfinished business. You're going to be fine, I know though that his appearance was unexpected and you must be riled up, but you've got this."

"Right, right," I mumbled to myself. "I've got this." I paused suddenly, my wild eyes falling on Hermione. "No, I don't! Won't you come down with me?"

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