Chapter 48: Andromeda

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After trekking for what felt like ages through broken branches and general wildlife Estella appeared outside a small cottage in the middle of the woodland chaos,it was possibly the only neat part of the woods with a quaint garden filled with multicoloured flowers and well painted walls.

"This is it"Estella whispered to herself before walking up the pebbled path to the cottage door.Taking a breath she knocked calmly even though her hands were shaking.

The door flew open to a young girl with bright purple hair
"Hi!"she giggled
"Hi"Estella croaked "Is And..."Estella was cut off by a voice
"Who's at the door Dora?"

It was Andromeda she'd changed slightly her hair had gotten lighter,more like Estella's but she was still the picture of Bellatrix.
"Estella"she whispered so that it was barely audible.
"Andy"Estella cried tears streaming down her face.
"Is it really you?"Andromeda asked wiping her hand in the apron she was wearing,approaching the door hastily.
"In the flesh"Estella smiled

"Oh my Merlin"Andromeda whispered again "look at you"she had finally reached her younger sister at the door and placed her hands on her shoulders.
"I miss you"Estella whimpered thinking back to the day Andromeda left,she remembered it as if it was yesterday.
"I miss you too"Andromeda said tears now falling down her face.

"So what have I missed in the ever changing world of the noble and most ancient house of black?"Andromeda laughed turning on the kettle a few minutes later.
"Well Cissa married Lucius,I married Jack,we have two kids Diana is 18 months and Violet is 3 months"Estella began
"Wow...congrats?"Andromeda said it as a question and Estella being nineteen didn't really know how to answer sure she loved her family but if things continued the way they were going,she'd be a grandmother by 38.

"Bella had Cece and didn't tell us until she was almost 3 and I'm left minding her most of the time,Mothers doing well,Father em...he passed away,as did Regulus"Estella finished up bowing her head.
"Oh my"Andromeda half laughed but she didn't know how to reply this was all so much.
"I feel trapped sometimes"Estella whispered,she'd never said it out loud but it was a frequent thought,maybe the reason she was actually here was the envy for Andy's escape from what was beginning to feel like a cult.

"I did too"Andromeda smiled squeezing Estella's hand "So I can too"
"Not anymore"Estella cried feeling the tears fall down her face.
"I'm married....I have TWO kids"

"Wow...there is A LOT of baggage here"Andromeda laughed.

That evening Estella left the small cottage feeling happier,she'd reconnected with her sister,met her niece and was actually grateful for what she had.

Sure leaving sounded like a good idea at points but Andromeda's life wasn't easy in comparison to here it was like being in hot coals twenty four seven.

"Make sure to write!"Andromeda yelled after her sister
"I will"Estella called back before trekking back towards her accommodation for the weekend.

Estella Black:Pureblood to the max Where stories live. Discover now