Chapter 44:Potter, Evans and Black

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It was one of those Hogwarts trips before Graduation and with Jack out Estella was patiently waiting by the window straddling Diana, for Lily,James,Sirius and Narcissa.

As soon as she saw the red flash of hair turn the corner she excitedly clambered down from the window,supporting Diana's small head against her chest as she rushed to the door.

"Lily!"she exclaimed opening the front door
"Esti!"Lily giggled running down the alleyway with James and Sirius trailing behind her.
"Aww,she's gorgeous"Lily sighed looking down at Diana's sleeping figure.

"Est"Sirius and James greeted smiling at the girl.
"Do come in"Estella waved her hand in the direction of the door
"Thanks"James said leading the way into the house.

"I can't believe you actually had a baby!"Lily laughed
"We can have one if you like"James winked at Lily causing Sirius to slap him over the head and Lily to give him a dirty look.
"James ,that's just disgusting"Narcissa told him as she walked through the sitting room door

"Cissa"Lily,James and Sirius greeted the blonde
"Tea anyone"Estella asked,they all nodded as Estella began flicking her wand to make the tea.

"Motherhood suits you Est"Sirius teased
"She's just an easy baby,much unlike what your mother went through with you"Estella smirked earring laughs from the room.
"Est's got comebacks"James hollered
"Do you ever shut up Potter"Lily laughed making James turn red
"Careful Potter"Narcissa warned "you might put Lily's hair to shame"James turned a darker shade of red and seemed to have decided to keep quiet.

Estella's teacups flew over landing in front of the five of them with the teapot pouring the brewed tea into them.
"So do tell us what we've missed!"Narcissa exclaimed etching for Hogwarts gossip.
"Well"Lily began and before they knew it she'd spent a little over an hour talking about everything the two girls had missed including

Gryffindor beating Slytherin and Marlene McKinnon getting very drunk and FINALLY admitting to her very obvious crush on Dorcas Meadows.

Severus Snape coming top of the class in potions and of course
The consistent attacks of Voldemort and his crew of 'death eaters'

Lily looked down to look at her watch and her eyes grew wide
"Esti,we must be going, it's almost half past,we have to get back to the castle!"

Estella smiled and nodded,flicking her wand to clean up the teacups and giving Lily and Sirius big hugs before exchanging a very awkward handshake,fist bump,hug with James.
Narcissa bid them all farewell and helped Estella clean the house as Diana started crying.

"There there sweetie"Estella sighed,rocking Diana in her arms slowly until the infant calmed down.She heard the door open and close and Jack exclaim
"Est,I'm home"Estella walked down the stairs,clutching Diana and waved her wand to put Jack's dinner on the table

She then cleaned the dishes,wished Narcissa goodbye and cleaned the house some more before putting Diana down and going to bed herself.

That night she lay in bed,thoughts racing through her head..why wasn't she like Dromeda and had the courage to leave her messed up family,to go back to hogwarts,finish her education and not be a baby making housewife.

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