Chapter 5: Third Year

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Estella managed to escape her arranged marriage last year and now in her shaking hands was an envelope with the family crest on it.
"Open it Esti"Cissy cried "How bad can it be?"
"It'll be fine Esti"Andromeda smiles placing a comforting hand on her sisters shoulder
"Esti,you're just delaying the process , your future husband is in the school right now,you have to open it!"Bella exclaimed,Estella looked at her eldest sister,she's noticed the changes in Bella,they began in Estella's first year,her eyes had a crazy glint in them,her raven hair looked madder than ever but it wasn't those things that worried Estella,it was that Bella's Pureblood beliefs were leading her in the direction of an uprising dark wizard going by the name of Lord Voldemort or the dark lord.

"Right,Right,I'm opening it!"Estella sighed finally,gently pulling the letter that read.

The Noble and Most ancient house of black

Dear Ms.Estella Black
Hello darling,it's Mother,Your father has made a deal with the Nott family for you to marry their youngest son,Jack,a fourth year,during your 7th year,I couldn't hold it off any longer,my longing to keep you at home,had been snatched away,Sorry Estella,I wanted to keep my youngest,Bella will rule the world if she wants to,Dromeda will forever fight in what she believes in and Cissa will settle down and be a Pureblood house wife with a warm family,but I always dreamt of keeping you home dear Estella,
Your Mother
Druella Black
Of the Noble and Most Ancient house of Black.

"Well Esti,that's it,your to marry Jack Nott"Bella shrugged and Estella's eyes went wide and tears welled in her eyes
"Bella"she weeped "I'm thirteen,you didn't get yours until last year,I'm going to have to be with whoever he is for the rest of my life!" Andromeda's looked a Bella as if she was mad and Bella turned to her
"What Meda,what are you going to do,I just told Esti as it is,you think I want to marry Lestrange in a few months,of course I don't but I must,it's our duty,you'll marry Bulstrode,Cissy will marry Malfoy and Esti will marry Nott that's how it is and mother literally just said she cares about Esti so I don't think you've something to give out about" and she stormed off causing Estella to cry harder into Andromeda's shoulder.

"Esti,it's alright"cooed Andromeda
"On the bright side Mother practically just said she loves you" Cissy added
"I love you both so much"Estella cried into Andromeda's shoulder,if she'd looked up she would've saw the look of pride on Andromeda's face and the look of confusion of Narcissa.

Narcissa fell into bed that night thinking about her sisters,her family's beliefs,Lucius,the dark lord and she knew which side she wanted to be on but the problem was will she be on it?

Estella Black:Pureblood to the max Where stories live. Discover now