Chapter 27:The signal

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Time Skip to July 10th Narcissa's wedding,I couldn't decide whether or not to do Narcissa and Jack graduating from Hogwarts I did try writing one a few times but I honestly didn't like it so I'm just skipping that 💗
Estella sighed as she finished helping her mother with her hat and made her way to Narcissa's room.

Her last sister was getting married and then it was her turn,She was the last Black standing,Bellatrix was a Lestange mad woman,
Andromeda her estranged sister was now more than likely a Tonks and a mother and Cissy,she was about to become a Malfoy.She really was the last one standing.The last one with the surname,the last one in Hogwarts,the last one not married and in some sort of binding contract,the last one to chose her path problem was Estella's been stuck at this crossroads for quite a while and either way she goes she's making herself an enemy and very vulnerable.

She opened the door to see Narcissa in her gorgeous ivory dress with lace patches.
"Oh Cissy!"she cried "You look beautiful"
Narcissa sighed and smiled at her younger sister before opening her arms for a hug.

Estella welcomed the hug before they break apart.
"Oh Esti"Narcissa tuts as she sees her sister in a tracksuit and messy bun "Get dressed" she ordered.
"Do I not have to wait for Bella?"Estella asked
"She' up at the moment,but guests will be arriving soon and one of us has to speak to them and not be a ball of nerves"Narcissa explained
"Don't be nervous Cissa"Estella said as she took her dress off the hanger and ran behind a cover to change into it.

Narcissa smiled in the direction where Estella had went before playing with the ring on her finger,a promise ring from Lucius.Thing is Narcissa didn't think she wanted to promise anything to him at the moment.
He's probably not even ready yet,Bellatrix is caught up with the dark lord so he probably is too.She heard a knock on the door and went to open it.

Behind the door stood Adelaide Nott.Narcissa nodded at the girl and waved her in.
"Esti's just getting ready she'll be out in a minute."

"Okay,your parents are getting ready to let guests in and they want her down there with Jack something to do with blood I don't know.
Narcissa shook her head knowing exactly what her parents wanted,To show they've powerful blood to enter there family.Bella and Narcissa didn't and won't have to sign a contract to do with children and reproducing like Esti will,she's the youngest she's expected to bring more to the family,it's disgusting really.

"Hey Adelaide!"Estella smiled at the young girl when she cane back fully dressed in her navy satin dress.
"Hey Estella"giggled Adelaide.
"Mum and Dad are looking for you"Narcissa cut in giving Estella a knowing look.Estella nodded and smiled giving Narcissa a big hug and whispering in her ear "Good know the signal!"before following Adelaide out of the room leaving Narcissa in thought....
The signal...

The signal had been the four sisters form of communication from age 5 up,you placed your hand down the side of your leg and tapped the number 3 on it three times it meant
Get me out of here or Help!
Estella had given Narcissa a way out of this wedding if necessary,Question was would she take it?

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