Chapter 20:Train Fights

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Christmas break was over and many tears later Estella and Narcissa boarder the train to Hogwarts keeping close to eachother sniffling gently not knowing how people would react to the departure of Andromeda.The Malfoy's and The Nott's had supported the decision but Estella was worried about how her best friend,a Bullstrode would react.

"It's going to be alright Est,it's not your fault"Narcissa whispered
"I know"she whispered back clutching her sisters arm as they huddled I to an empty compartment in silence until the door slid open

"Oh look it's the sisters of the filthy blood traitor"a voice Estella knew too well smirked,she looked up and saw Maureen Bullstrode standing their arms crossed as she starred down the brown haired girl.
"I understand your problem with our sister Maureen,but we've done nothing wrong to you"Narcissa replied calmly.
"Nothing wrong to me"Maureen cackle "You've tarnished my family's name by your filthy sister almost marrying into it,my father's finding it hard to find me a worthy husband"
"Maureen,you're extremely pretty,I'm sure any..."Estella began but was cut off
"Don't you dare speak to me Estella Black!"she croaked "you and your perfect relationship.....some of us don't get those things in life sweatheart and the ones who get the good life early only go down hill as they get older.....Look! Your's has already started you've a blood traitor for a sister what's gonna happen next Esti time will tell"The girls had attracted a crowd during the short verbal argument.
"Hey shut up Bullstrode"came a voice that shocked Estella and Narcissa.....James Potter's

"Aww look"Maureen cooed "the blood traitor and the sister of a blood traitor....well isn't this perfect,you should leave Nott to the half decent Wizarding folk and go ahead and marry Potter here it does seem like you fall into the same category"
"Why you..."James began as Narcissa extended her arms to swing for the girl but Estella jumped in cutting them both off,twisting her wand as she approached Maureen.
"You listen to me!I'm a Black and I think you've forgotten just how much power I hold in The Wizarding world so I suggest you run along before your daddy gets fired or something worse happens "Estella smirked as she backed Maureen into a corner.
"And if you EVER talk about me or my family again I will personally see to it that you don't have one to talk about!"Estella nodded allowing the slight essence of Bellatrix in her take over something that scared even Narcissa and Bellatrix when it happened
"You wouldn't"Maureen whimpered
"Wanna bet?"Estella fake pouted "cause I wouldn't if I were you"and as she moved her wand forward Maureen ran away with a small group following her.

"You're scary when you do that Black!"James laughed
"Don't cross me Potter and we won't have a problem"Estella laughed "and thanks for the other day in Potter Manor it was really..... nice of you"
"Call me anytime your sister tries to control your mind with almost all fatal outcomes"James winked before walking away.
"Git!"Estella yelled after him and he just laughed.

Narcissa looked at Estella shrugged her shoulders and lead the way back into their compartment to chat.

Estella Black:Pureblood to the max Where stories live. Discover now