Chapter 14:The Medic Room

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Narcissa coughed harshly as she exited the fireplace in Grimwald Place for two reasons,A to cough the smoke and ash out of her system and B to make her presence known in case her Aunt,Uncle or Cousin had returned.She waited a moment before tiptoe running to the tapestry room.

She followed the lining of the tapestry till she came to a small opening, she pressed a button just behind the opening and a small vile appeared out of a hole in the wall,she then took out her wand and whispered a spell that removed a small amount of her blood and put it in the vile.

The vile automatically flew into the opening it came out of after a second of silence the room began to squeak and crackle and the tapestry room began to open revealing another room hidden behind it.Narcissa immediately ran in as the room closed again.

She looked around the room with shelves piled high with curses,potions and poisons.Studying each shelf for what felt like ages Narcissa thought maybe it was time to go back to Potters , for all she knew Bellatrix could've already taken control of Estella.
She sighed heavily and pulled her cloak and bag up of the floor and slung them from her arm as she was about to leave she caught a glint of something in the very back of the room.

She ran there and saw a huge gold box on the wall on the door of it the Black Family Crest was shown as well as the family motto Toujours Pur. Narcissa studied the box carefully until she found a little birthing she pressed it and another vile shot out.Preforming the same spell she removed enough of her blood to fill the vile and send it back to the box.
Again the room squeaked and crackled but this time the place Narcissa was standing was slowly turning downwards.

She fell with a plop at the bottom and gave herself a second to clean up her appearance she then clutches her wand tightly as she walked down the endless dark corridor.
Narcissa felt like she'd been walking for ages she contemplated turning back until she saw a glint of gold and she ran as fast as she could to reach it.

When she did she saw a small golden potions bottle standing on a black pedestal,she went to reach for it but a robotic hand pushed her away and handed her another vile.Naricssa rolled her eyes and spelled the vile full of her blood and then placed a spell to return blood to her arm.

The vile shot back into the ending darkness and Narcissa reached for the potion bottle again this time no one stopped her.She picked it up and studied it it was a gold bottle in which read Mr Bart's vitamin bears.
That didn't make sense though so whipping out her wand and whispering "Revilio" the wrapper fell away to reveal in gold letters

Je suis la malédiction que tu cherches

It took her a moment but Narcissa was 99% sure that meant I am the cure you seek in french.
She looked at the back of the bottle with said

Je corrige la malédiction dans laquelle tu as fait usage de moi une  fois je serai utille de m'utiliser deux foisseras au lit

It took a Narcissa a good five minutes to figure out what this one meant
I fix the curse in which you've made
Use me once I'll be of help
Use me twice you'll be in bed

Narcissa sighed not really getting what this meant,especially the last line but it's all she had she scooped it up and placed it in her rucksack and running back to the piece of flooring from which she'd come down on and it brought her back up.She ran to the end of the medic room and pressed the exit button that lead her back to the tapestry room.

After that she sprinted to the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder before yelling
"Potter Manor"
I'm very sorry if any of the french is wrongly spelled or translated
Thanks for reading
Maria 💗

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