Chapter 21:New friends

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Language Warning ⚠️
After many years of 100% wanting to shove a metal pole down James Potter's throat, Estella now only wanted to do that 40% -50%.

After everything that happened over the Christmas Holidays and with Maureen.James,Estella,Narcissa and Sirius had come to an agreement.
They were friends.

Now this friendship was not a public one obviously but they hung out everyday in their favourite room in the school :
The Room of Requirement or as Narcissa affectionately called it : The ROR

The Room of Requirement or the ROR was a secret room on the seventh floor that appeared whenever the seeker most needed it.
It had become their little hideaway while everything settled down with Narcissa,Estella and Maureen and her older sister Kelly.

"James Potter you git!"Estella exclaimed as she entered the room on the day in question.
"What did I do now Estella"James rolled his eyes.
"I gave you strict instructions in how to ask out Evans and you fucked it up"
"Well Esti you have got quite the dirty tongue"Sirius laughed "And James did quite a dandy job!"

"He did my arse"Narcissa snorted "don't sugar coat is Sirius,he asked her out in an extremely cocky way,forgot Estella's instructions and ended up being slapped across the face!"
"Still it's progress"Sirius explained "Evans smiled after she hit him"he finished smirking and causing the Black sisters to tumble over laughing.

"Alright so it wasn't perfect....There's always tomorrow"James defended as the Blacks continued laughing on the floor and he blushed profoundly.
Sorry for the short chapter there's just been a lot going on.
Thanks for reading
Maria 💗

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