Chapter 40: The Gangs back together again

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"Esti!"Lily squealed as she saw the raven head waiting for her in the ROR,the red headed ambushed her friend in a tight hug.
"Careful Lil...precious cargo onboard there"Narcissa laughed stepping out of the shadows,while the blonde no longer went to Hogwarts she came for a visit and couldn't resist attending the reunion.

Lily's eyes widened
"No!"she exclaimed "congratulations" Estella smiled at the witches enthusiasm.
"Who are we congratulating?"Sirius asked as he stepped into the ROR followed by James and Remus,Peter had never been around to be introduced to one of these meetings.

"Your cousin is pregnant!"Lily smirked
"Oh congrats Cissy!"Sirius congratulated until Cissa hung her head,the witch had been struggling to conceive and Lily shook her head sending a pointed look at the three boys.
"Congratulations Estella"Remus corrected before Estella could reply Sirius butted in

"In the flesh"Estella mocked
"You're not even married did Druella and Cygnus take it? it Jack's? Are you finally disowned we can be disowned buddies!"Sirus was suddenly behind to ramble causing James to place a hand on his shoulder clearly telling him to be quiet.

"Eh well firstly Father passed away over Christmas break"Estella began
"Sorry Esti"the three wizards responded
"I had to get married before his death soI am married Siri"she continued "and yes it's Jack and no I'm not disowned,I wish I was some days" she mumbled the last part,the whole baby craziness was driving her through the roof,she looked at Sirius and for the first time a slight hit of jealousy fell over her,he had the freedom she'd always wanted,the freedom Andy left for.

"Merlin that's a lot"James laughed in an effort to defuse the tension.
"Oh yeah and Bella has a two year old"Narcissa added
"Bella?"Sirisu questioned unable to see the witch as a motherly figure.
"We found out a week ago...her names Cecile..Cece"Estella finished
"You've had an eventful few weeks"Lily laughed

"Definitely....Any news with anyone else" Estella asked sitting down on one of the couches in the ROR
"Well"James smirked looking over at Lily who now had faintly red cheeks.
"Lily flower and I have decided to enter into a courtship"James laughed
"Don't be a prick James"Lily scolded "We're dating"
"That's so cute"Estella and Narcissa cooed at the same time, who would've thought that Lily Evans would ever go out with James Potter!

By the end of the day Estella figured she'd missed quite a lot during her week away including
Lily and James getting together

Adelaide getting a marriage proposal from Fabian Prewett and Alice Fortescue getting engaged to the graduated Frank Longbottom

It was all relationships in Hogwarts!

Happy Christmas 🎄
Sorry got the delay in updates I'm trying my best
Thanks for reading 💗

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