Chapter45:Auntie Esti

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A year later

A large thump on the door around 3 am woke up the sleeping Nott family,who had recently welcomed their second child Violet Elandria.

"I'll get it"Estella croaked as she pulled on her dressing gown.
"Wait!"Jack said hastily "I'll come with you,you don't know what could be down there"Jack of course was referring to the current war a foot with Voldemort and his attacks an army had to be formed to fight back,The Order of the Phoenix,Estella of course couldn't directly be in it due to the whole Bellatrix's sister thing but she was an ally for them if she was ever needed.

The thumping started again and both Diana and Violet began heavily crying.
"Aww sweetie,it's ok"Estella hushed,picking up her newborn daughter as Jack cooed at Diana.

The four then began to make their way down the stairs.
"I'll open it"Estella told him "Have your wand out if necessary" Jack nodded in reply as Estella opened the door.

"Esti!" A voice exclaimed as Estella came face to face with Bellatrix.A sigh of relief escaped her at the sight of her older sister.
"Listen Est..I neeedddd yourrr helpppp"Bellatrix slurred,this was when Estella realised the Bellatrix was drunk.
"In you come Bella"Estella sighed ushering her sister in,only then to see Cecile standing behind her.
"She's drunk....again"the girl of only three managed and Estella's motherly instincts took over, remembering her own younger days when her parents marriage was in a bad place and her own mother would end up just as Bella was now.

"Oh honey"Estella cried clasping the little girls hand,being careful not to drop Violet who was still cradled in her arms.
"I'll take her"Jack whispered,lifting Violet out of Estella's arms and leading the two children back to bed.

Bellatrix had found her way to Estella's alcohol cupboard and was opening a bottle of wine when Estella grabbed it from her.
"Bellatrix!"she sighed
"Youreeee so meannnn"The older woman cried as if she were no older than her own child.
"Cece"Estella smiled looking down at the child "why don't you go out there and watch some television?"
"Can I?"the three year olds eyes lit up
"Of course!"Estella replied waving her wand to put on this muggle show 'Peppa Pig'
Cece immediately went running in to stare at the screen.

Estella watched her go before turning her attention back to Bellatrix.
"Bella...what's going on?"she asked calmly as she looked at her sister who was currently swinging on one of the kitchen chairs.
Bellatrix just giggled before cackling slightly earning Estella absolutely nothing.

"Right then"she said "why don't you two stay here tonight,I'll get you sorted"
Estella led Bellatrix to the spare room and tucked her in whisking her wand around to create a pair of pyjamas and a glass of water before going down stairs to bring Cece up to Diana's room.

When she got to the couch Cece was fast asleep,sprawled out on the couch so she lifted her up gently and began to carry her upstairs.
Cece began to stir as they made their way up.
"Who are you?" The child murmured in her sleep.
"I'm your aunt,Estella "Estella whispered in reply feeling bad that the three year old couldn't remember her
"Aww"the three year old sighed "Auntie Esti"

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