Chapter 42:Welcome baby girl!

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"Waaaaaa" the high pitched baby cry filled the room but Estella didn't care she was actually overjoyed,her baby was ok.
"She's a she"the doctor exclaimed Estella laughed and cried as the doctor handed her her baby.
"She's amazing"Jack breathed unable to speak due to being in awe of the child.Estella was still speechless as she looked lovingly at the child in her arms.
"So what are we going to name her?"Jack asked looking down at Estella,placing a loving kiss on her forehead
"I've a few ideas"Estella smiled
"You can come in now"Jack smiled peeking out the door to see Druella,Narcissa,Bellatrix,Cecile,Elandria and Adelaide all anxiously waiting outside.

Once they were all inside Jack announced
"Ladies,meet Diana Druella Nott!"The little baby lay asleep in Estella's arms as the new mother looked down affectionately at her daughter.
"Oh Esti!"Narcissa sighed
"She's beautiful!"Adelaide cried
"A true beauty"Elandria added
"Cousin"the raven headed Cecile Lestrange giggled excitedly and everyone laughed at the young girls antics except Bella who wacked her daughters arm harshly.
"She's very nice Estella"Bellatrix managed
"Thank you dear"Druella smiled the first smile she'd smiled in quite some time,a granddaughter and a namesake.It was a wonderful day!
So this is a VERY short chapter but I think it's kinda sweet and wholesome so...
Have a great day 💗

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