Chapter 33:Here we go.....

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Estella's wedding dress

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Estella's wedding dress

"Estella,Estella,ESTELLA"Narcissa,Adelaide,Charlotte and Caroline screeched waking Estella up.
"What"she mumbled
"You're getting married today"Caroline squealed.
"Oh yeah"Estella yawned as she tumbled out of bed
"Ready Est ??"Adelaide asked as Estella laughed thinking of all the time Jack had called her that.
"Ready as I'll ever be"she smiled
"Let's do this"Caroline smiled pulling the five girls into a hug.

Narcissa took Estella's hand in hers and squeezed it tightly noticing it shaking slightly.
"Estella,listen it's scary now but once your married to Jack in a few hours it'll all be fine"

"Will it Cissa???"Estella exclaimed "No offence but it's extremely hard to marry someone knowing how much babies you have to produce"

"What...Don't you only have to produce one heir??"
"I wish it was only one heir"Estella sighed "Adelaide and I went over the contracts last night,I have to have at minimum four so that there's an heir for each house and if something happens to one heir there's another one to take its place....they want my children to be chess pieces in their litle blood game"

Narcissa stood and looked at her sister empathetically but honestly didn't know what to say to her,everything she was saying made sense but for the first time in a good few years she had no pull,nothing she could do to help her younger sister.She was stuck with no way out.

"Esti"Cissa began "Its hard I understand that,there's nothing I can do,I wish there was but there isn't,I'm sorry"Narcissa bowed her head slightly as Estella smiled at her shaking her head slightly
"I'll be fine...I love Jack and I'm the end that's really all that matters I guess"


After  what felt like forever of the girls eating doing makeup and getting dressed.Druella arrived up.

"Estella darling"she cooed gliding over from the door to face her.
"How are you feeling my dear?"

"Sick"Estella laughed but Druella was not amused "Nevermind"
"Any sign of Bella yet?"

"She's downstairs"Druella explained
"'s Father?"

"He's in his last hours darling,Doctor Metuna says we're lucky if we get two more days"
Druella sniffled slightly not wanting to cry in front of her daughter.
Estella reached over a gave her mother a very strained hug.

There was a knock at the door which allowed them to break out of the awkward hug
"Come in"Estella called the door opened slightly and Adelaide stuck her head around the door
"Ready Esti"she asked and Estella's eyes went wide,she hadn't realised the time it was 1:30 she was getting married NOW

She nodded gently at Adelaide as the butterflies in her stomach summersaulted around.

"You'll be alright Esti"Narcissa cooed as Estella arrived down the hall beside her.
"I know" Estella nodded just as the music began and Charlotte walked up the aisle followed by Caroline,Bellatrix,Adelaide and Narcissa.

"'s your turn"her mother cooed and Estella nodded and squeezed her Mother's hand.Her father wasn't there to bring her up the aisle so Mr.Nott had volunteered
"Ready Estella"he asked politely taking her hand.
"I believe so Mr.Nott"she nodded
"Good luck Black"Mrs.Nott winked at her knowingly.Estella breathed harshly knowing that's very possibly the last time she'll be called that and she clutched on to Mr.Nott's arm allowing him to lead her up the aisle at first she looked at the people lining the seats,The Malfoys,The Fawleys,The extended Black and Nott families,she noticed that Regulus wasn't there but thought nothing of it.

After a few moments with her stomach tumbling around she looked up to see Jack standing there looking just as nervous as she was and it settled her slightly knowing she wasn't on her own

Hey guys
Just thought I'd let ye know that this chapter will NOT be continued...I'm not good at that type of thing and felt that leaving this here looks good,The next chapter will be a time skip and I'm so sorry for not updating there's just little bits a bobs going on but I've a few prewritten chapters that I'll publish soon.
Thanks for reading 💗

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