Chapter 7:Bella's Wedding

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(This is taking place the summer before Estella's fourth year)
"Bella,it'll be fine"Cissy assured Bella as Bella panicked
"Bella,like you said,It's for the blood purity,You'll marry Lestrange ,Cissy will marry Malfoy ,Meda will marry Bullstrode and I will marry Jack"Estella reminded her sister,they'd become colder with each other since Bellatrix joined the dark lord a month ago,Estella couldn't believe her sister could be so foolish.
"Oooo he's Jack now"Andromeda teased
"Shut up"Estella blushed.
"Yeah your right Esti"Bella smiles meekly "Lets do this!"
Estella gave her sister a short,kindhearted smile as they exited the room,Bellatrix looked at her and nodded.

Estella thought about her family during the ceremony. Her mother,who cared for her,her father who barely looked at her,Cissy who's boyfriend joined the death eaters and leaves her in a peculiar place,Dromeda who's just doing her duty but mostly she thought of Bella who was changing quickly, her spiral towards the dark lord seemed never ending and it worried Estella that her big sister might end up getting herself killed trying to please the heartless man.

After the ceremony Estella smiled a few tears falling down her face as she watched Bellatrix Black or Bellatrix Lestrange now walk down the aisle,her black curly hair pulled in a tight bun,she looked angelic but you had to look her straight in the eyes and you saw the crazy glint that over took her.

"Aww,Esti it'll be alright"Andromeda laughed placing a supportive hand on her sisters shoulder.
"I'll always have you right?"Estella asked Andromeda,she noticed her sisters hesitance in answering
"Yes,Esti,I'll always be here if you need me"she replied eventually
"Alright there Meda?"Narcissa asked coming over and noticing the discomfort her sister was reflecting.
"Yes,I believe my date is waiting"she smiled leaving to return to her seat beside Damien Bullstrode.
Cissy pressed her lips together to stifle her laughter.

"She hates him you know"Estella said finally nodding in the direction of Andromeda and Damien.
"Really Esti,hadn't noticed"Narcissa replied sarcastically.
"Oh shut it!"Estella laughed lightly punching her sisters arm
"Aww,I'm wounded!"Cissy joked
"You've has to much punch"Estella laughed taking her sisters glass out of her clutches.
"I take offence to that Esti"Cissy said dramatically placing her hand over her heart.
"Yeah,well the Blacks would take offence to you falling on the floor,drunk"Estella giggled

"Of course they would"came Bellatrix's voice behind them
"Congratulations Bella"Estella said gently patting her sisters shoulder after she approached.
"Oh can't you see Esti,I'm jumping out of my skin with joy" Bellatrix sneered.
"Of course you are"giggled Narcissa who had some how got her punch glass back.
"Is she drunk?!"Bellatrix whispered in Estella's ear,
"Very much so"Estella replied
"Shit"Bella murmured.

"Seen Regulus anywhere?"Estella asked half shrugging her shoulders as she tried to stir conversation between her and her eldest sister a problem she'd never had before this.
"Aunt Wahlburga's probably trying to marry him off"Bella joked a small smile appearing on her face
"Ah those were the days"Estella joked back determined to reconnect with her favourite sister
"You know Esti"Bella began her voice dropping to a whisper that only Estella could hear.
"The dark lord is looking for spies in Hogwarts,you'd be perfect for the job"Estella tried to hide the shock and her sister's idea.
She's fourteen!
"Bella,I'm...I'm not sure"she managed after a silence
"That's alright Esti"Bellatrix replied but Estella knew by the tone of her voice whatever sisterly moment they'd shared was over maybe forever.

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