Chapter 24: Lily Evans

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Estella,Lily,James,Sirius and Narcissa were currently sitting very awkwardly in the ROR.
"Soooo"Narcissa shrugged
"Yeah"Sirius nodded
"How?"Narcissa asked
"Binns"James nodded
"What?"Estella said
"Catch up" Sirius continued
"Why"Narcissa questioned
"I don't know" James sighed

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL SAYING!"the exasperated red head yelled.
"Sorry Lils....we communicate like this in public"Sirius explained "Cissa wanted to know how and why you're here and we were just explaining it"
"Oh"Lily nodded "We don't have to be enemies you know"Lily's statement directed at the Black sisters took them off guard.

"I suppose we don't..."Estella began
"Well it's just" Narcissa nodded towards Lily as she spoke.
"It's not the bad though"James defended
"If anyone found out"Narcissa shuddered
"War"Sirius and Estella hissed

"GUYS"Lily screeched "I cant understand a word you're saying!"
"Sorry Lily....."Estella began "We're not supposed to associate with your kind"
"MY KIND"Lily fumed
"She didn't mean it like that!"Sirius jumped in
"She meant that as Blacks were supposed to be trying to rid the Wizarding world of's all we've been taught"
"Toujours Pur"Estella whispered and an icy feeling fell over her those words had been whispered I her ear since childhood could she move past them now?"

"Toujours Pur"Narcissa and Sirius also whispered and from the looks on their faces the same thoughts were running through their heads too.

"Toujours Pur?"Lily questioned
"It's french"Narcissa explained
"Toujours Pur,Always pure"Estella sighed
"The Black Family Motto" Sirius concluded
"That's awful"Lily cried
"It's what were taught"Estella told her
"Sirius here,betrayed the family and he's now burned off the tree...non exsistent.... just like...."Estella tried to finish her sentence but she couldn't as tears quietly fell down her face.

"Andy"Sirius whispered as Narcissa squeezed his shoulder to stop herself from crying.
"Andromeda left for a muggleborn"Narcissa explained to Lily who was looking on with an extremely confused look on her face.
"She left because of her arranged marriage"Sirius sighed

"Well you can't blame her"Lily snorted
"We don't but we still lost a sister"Estella cried
"I'm sorry"Lily sighed as she pulled the youngest Black into a hug one that caught her off guard but after a slight moment of shock Estella returned the hug.

After that moment Estella dropped her prejudice and Narcissa,well she made an exception,Lily Evans became the newest addition to their secret friend group.

Sorry for the short chapter..
I'm back to school now so sorry if updates slow down
Thanks for Reading 💗

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