Chapter 38: Track record

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"What happened"Narcissa exclaimed as she ran into the St.Mungo's waiting room where Jack and her mother were sitting.
"I don't really know"Jack sighed running his hand through his hair "she'd been shaky all day if you said anything she ate your head off so I let her off,I was saying goodbye when she just croaked and collapsed"

"Oh my"Narcissa nodded after listening to the story and falling into the chair beside her Mother.
"Where's Bellatrix?"Druella asked after a moment of silence.
"She's busy with Cece"Narcissa replied and Druella nodded.
"Who's Cece?"Jack questioned

"Cecille"Narcissa said trying to get Jack to figure it out
"Cecille Lestrange"she tried again"Bella's daughter!"Jack nodded having never heard of the child but decided not to stress anyone out anymore.

"Are you the family of Estella Nott?"a nurse asked,the three of them nodded Narcissa and Jack both standing and nodding worriedly,the nurse's face broke into a smile.
"Congratulations!"she exclaimed "Estella is pregnant!"

Both Jack and Narcissa sat back down in shock but Druella jumped up excitedly
"Well can we see her?!"the woman squealed earning her looks from onlookers as well as Jack and Narcissa.
"Of course,she's still unconscious but should be awake within a few moments"the nurse replied
"What caused her fainting?" Jack queried
"We think she hadn't been eating and sleeping enough to sustain her and her baby's health"the nurse nodded
"We ran some tests and think everything is fine....follow me please"

The nurse led them down many twisty corridors before arriving at room 232.Estella was lying in the bed her eyes still closed the only way they knew she was alive was the up and done movement of her chest and the beeping of the machine beside her.

"Merlin!"both Black women said at the same time,Narcissa out of worry and Druella out of joy,her favourite daughter having a child!
"Ell"was all Jack could muster as he sat beside the witches bed,Narcissa taking a seat on the other

"She will be fine you know"Narcissa said after an hour or so of flicking through magazines Jack nodded
"She always is,it's her track record"Narcissa continued
"Track record"Jack questioned
"This isn't the first time Esti's put her life in danger,first time she did a form of accidental magic at six,made a whole bookcase from the library fall on herself,she was in a coma here for two weeks"Narcissa paused to allow Jack process this.

"Second time was only two years ago "she picked up
"She got cursed,she was only out of it for a few hours but it was scary"
"I knew about that one"Jack replied "she came to the manor after"

"Do you two ever stop reminiscing"came a voice they all wanted to hear.
"Esti"Jack sighed placing a soft kiss on her lips
"What happened?"she asked meekly
"You passed out"Narcissa nodded
"Thanks Cissa...hadn't figured that out....why?"Estella smirked,Narcissa shared a look with Jack nodding at him to tell her
"Eh..Est...your pregnant"Jack stuttered

Estella's eyes widned
" scratch that I know how..."the witch was fumbling her words until a smile grew on her face
"A...a baby"

"I'm so happy for you darling"Druella cried as she returned to the room a few days later:

"Thank you Mother"Estella replied she had sat up in the bed properly since her mother had returned
"The nurse visited,she says I'm a little over a month"Estella smiled as her Mother's excited ness until her Mother stopped
"Over a month?"she questioned and Estella nodded
"Your only married two weeks!"Druella exclaimed causing both Estella and Jack to go very red.Before anyone could reply a nurse appeared at Estella's door.
"Your discharge papers are ready to go Mrs.Nott"the nurse announced
"Thank you Connie"Estella smiled at the woman pulling herself up from bed.
"Ready?"Jack asked extending his hand
"Ready"Estella nodded taking it

"That was very movie like"Narcissa giggled allowing laughs to be escaped from everyone.

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