Chapter 3: 2nd year

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"Esti"called a now fifteen Bellatrix
"Hey Bella"smiles Estella as her older sister approached "Esti,he's done it,Father he has arranged my marriage"Bella had sighed
"No"Estella squealed
"Yes"Bella had replied "I'm to marry Rodolphus Lestrange,who graduated last year,Oh Esti I'm not ready"
"It's going to be alright Bella,I just wonder who father intends to marry me to as there is only one Pureblood boy in my year and that's Sirius,father can hardly marry me to Sirius right?"Estella had laughed but Bellatrix had fallen silent.
"Bella?"Estella questioned
"He's making arrangements for us all within the next week we'll you,Dromeda and me as Cissy is already to marry that Malfoy,Father sorted that the minute she was born,but the problem is if father can't find you another Pureblood boy you probably will have to marry Sirius as it's the only way to keep the bloodline pure like Aunt Walburga and Uncle Orion"
"Oh"was all the young Estella could manage
"When are you to marry?"Estella finally managed
"Next Year,Esti,I'm only doing it out of duty,I will never love Lestrange or bear him any child but it's true to keep our bloodline pure remember......Toujours Pur"Bella had told her a sad look in her eyes.
"Toujours Pur"Estella recited as it she was reading a book.

Then Bellatrix did something that she's only done once in public to Estella she grabbed her and brought her in to a warm comforting hug
"Esti,I will be leaving for Lestrange Manor during the summer,write to me won't you?" Estella nearly cried at the thought of her favourites sister moving out she's be stuck at home with Andromeda's head stuck in a book and Narcisa's tales of Lucius if was going to be awful.

"Bella,you can't leave me I'll be stuck with bookworm Andy and lovesick Cissy" moaned Estella
"I'll see what I can do"Bella winked squeezing her sisters shoulders.
"Bella"Estella called as her sister began to walk away "Can I be a bridesmaid?"Bella just laughed,smiled that special smile reserved for Estella and walked away.

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