Chapter 22: Other Magical Schools

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Estella and the marauders were sitting in history of magic half asleep when Professor Binns mentioned other Wizarding schools causing most heads in the classroom to perk up.

Estella only knew of one other Wizarding school,Durmstrang but she didn't like the sound of it,apparently it only taught the dark arts and that didn't seem like a good idea to her,Cissy told her once that Lucius's father had considered sending him there though something told Estella that it didn't matter where he went he'd be involved in the dark arts anyway.

"Now their are other Wizarding schools all over the world but today we'll learn about the main eight,So can anyone name any schools for me?"Binns asked. Margie Jackson's hand shot up.
"Yes Miss.Jackson"Binns nodded
"Beauxbatons in France"Margie smiled
"Correct miss Jackson,five points to Gryffindor"Binns exclaimed "Beauxbatons school is located in the Pyrenees Mountains in Southern France,Anyone else?"
Maureen Bullstrode stuck up her hand.
"Yes miss Bullstrode"Binns continued.
"Durmstrang in Northern Europe"she replied
"Very good miss Bullstrode,The Durmstrang Institute is located in Northern Europe"

Estella continued watching as people called out the other schools until they were left with one missing from the board which had :

Durmstrang Institute'

Everyone was trying to figure out which school they were missing until it hit Estella and she rose her hand
"Miss Black"Professor Binns nodded
"Hogwarts"Estella laughed and Professor Binns smiled
"Excellent,yes miss Black..... twenty points to Slytherin!"

"Good Job Esti"Sirius smiled at her on their way out of the classroom
"Jealous"Estella smirked
"Oh yes very"Sirius laughed as they headed their separate ways to classes

Sorry about the short chapter it's more of a filler chapter.Im sorry if the updates slow down a bit when I'm back to school cause I just won't have as much time to work on it....I'll keep trying to pre write as much as possible though!
Thanks For Reading
Maria 💗

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