My favorite TheGentleman x MrCheese (TheGentleCheese) moment🖤💛🧀 (AUL 6)

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MrPumpkin: My name MrPumpkin.

TheGentleman: SHUT UP MR- *ahem ahem* I'm sorry MrPumpkin. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just don't enjoy you constantly repeating what your name is all the time.

MrPumpkin: Thank you for vocalizing your frustrations. I both hear your concerns, and I will actively try to work on them. 

TheGentleman: Thank you.

MrPumpkin:  No problem. I love you! *blushes*

TheGentleman: *blushes* *softly mumbling*

MrPumpkin: I said: "I love you".

TheGentleman: *blushes more* I love you too. *looks away*

MrPumpkin: *hugs TheGentleman while blushing more*

Veteran: Awww!

Player: Ok can someone tell me what's going on?

Veteran: Oh yeah you missed the last game. TheGentleman and MrCheese are are work associates again.

MrPumpkin: *breaks the hug* Um my name MrPumpkin.

Veteran: Oh sorry. TheGentleman and MrPUMPKIN are work associates again. 

I swear I fangirled so hard at that scene!

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