Pleteran: Polus flu

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Just writing this bc I'm sick🤒 I already did a Corona test but I'm still miserable. Let's just say my throat hurts and I have a running nose. And my bf can't come over (which was our plan this weekend) until I have the results and they're negative. Welp let's get on with it...

Veteran was walking outside in the coldness of Polus. He had forgotten his jacket so he was shivering from the cold that pierced through his body. There also was a snowstorm so Veteran couldn't see anything. He was sitting on a rock, silently shivering and freezing.

"Guys, has anyone of you seen Veteran?" Player asked. He was in the office with the others. "No, I haven't seen him." Mother replied, cradling a sleepy Franklyn. "Me neither." Captain spoke, worry auditable in his voice. "My name MrCheese!" MrCheese said. TheGentleman facepalmed. "It's not the time now, MrCheese!" He said. "We need to look for him. It's freezing and storming there and Veteran could either be dead or catch the Polus flu." Captain said. "We will all go outside to look for him. When you find him, please bring him inside and call a meeting. Now, grab your jackets and scatter!" Everyone grabbed their jackets and went outside.

Fifteen minutes had passed and still no sign of Veteran. Player was walking when he saw, through the storm, a glimpse of yellow. He started running and saw Veteran, shivering. "Veteran!" Player called, running up to him. He touched Veteran's hand. Cold as ice. "Come buddy, we need to get you inside." Player spoke. Veteran slowly looked up. "P-Play-yer..." he spoke, his voice trembling. Player lifted Veteran up and carried his boyfriend to office.

In office, he called a meeting. "I found him, guys." He said, almost crying of relief because Veteran was still alive. "Oh dear, Veteran! Let me get you a blanket!" Mother said. She ran up to a closet and got some blankets. She wrapped Veteran in all of them. Veteran was still shivering and leaned against Player. "I-I'm so c-c-cold..." he said. Player pulled him close. "It's ok. You're safe now..." he said. Veteran let out a sneeze.

The next day began and Veteran woke up with a sore throat. He also had a running nose and felt like he had a fever. He groaned. "Uugghhh..." he didn't feel good at all, but he wasn't the person to quit and stay in bed when he's sick, so he stood up and changed. He went to office.

In office, the crew was already eating breakfast. "Hey Vet, you ok?" Player asked. Veteran nodded. "You sure? You look pale." Mother said. She laid a hand on Veteran's forehead. "Oh my gosh, you feel so warm! You have a fever!" She said. "Come Veteran, let's go to MedBay. Engineer will examine you." She stood up. Veteran followed her.

"Veteran, I have the results. You have the Polus flu." Engineer spoke. "I prescribe a lot of rest in bed. Just like when you have a cold or the normal flu." Veteran nodded. Mother stood up from her seat. "Let's go to bed. You need rest." She said.

A few moments later, Veteran laid in his and Player's shared room again. He sighed, feeling miserable. He also got a headache now and pain on the chest from all the coughing (yes, that's really possible, I had that when I once had the flu). He suddenly heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit raspy. "Hey Veteran. I'm here to check on you. Are you ok?" The sweet voice of Player sounded while the door opened. "Well, *cough* if you call a headache, running nose, sore throat, raspy voi- *cough cough* voice, pain, coughing and sneezing all the time ok, then yes." Veteran replied. He then sneezed and let out a soft cry of misery. "Oh boy..." Player said. He sat down on Veteran's bed. "You're not looking ok either..." he laid a hand on Veteran's head. Player's hand was pretty cold, since he just came from outside after finishing his tasks. Veteran shivered a bit. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Player asked. Veteran nodded. He really could use some company. Player lifted the blanket up, laid down and covered the two of them with the blanket. He pulled Veteran close. "Wait, won't you- *cough cough* get sick too?" Veteran asked. "That doesn't matter, Veteran. I just don't want you to be alone." Player replied, pulling Veteran even closer and keeping him close to spread some warmth. Veteran then gave in and cuddled Player as well. He buried his head in the taller's chest. "There we go..." Player said softly, playing with Veteran's hair. Player started humming a song. Veteran felt himself calm and dozed off to sleep. Player fell asleep a few minutes later.

Let's say, Player ended up getting the Polus flu too. They were now both laying in their beds, feeling miserable. "Well at least I'm not alone anymore. But I did warn you, Play-Play." Veteran said. "Oh, I think it's worth it. You weren't alone and that's all the matters. And hey, now we can both be sick and just enjoy each other's company." He smiled. Veteran smiled too. Player stood up and walked over to Veteran. He got in bed with his boyfriend and held him close. They started cuddling and dozed off to sleep.

Let's be honest here, we all want a person like Player in our lives...

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