Are you calling me a cow?

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Dum: does anyone know how long a cow lives?

Veteran: nope

Captain: let's look it up

Veteran: *looks it up*

(A cow lives 18 to 22 years)

Dum: 18 to 22 years? Wow...

Captain/Veteran/Dum: wait a damn minute

(They walkover to Player)

Player: *drinks a drink from the vending machine*

Dum/Veteran/Captain: *acts super sad*

Player: uh guys?

Dum: were gonna miss you Player...

 Captain: we didn't know people that are 18+ would leave so soon...

Veteran: yeah *sniff*

Player: people that are- wait are you calling me a cow?

Captain: I mean you are thicc like one 

Player: only my thighs and butt you idiots *facepalms*

Veteran/Captain/Dum: ... sorry

Player: *sigh*

Credit to @Circusbabyxzane 

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