THICC Impostor mod

577 4 18

Damn that was great lmao. Also the thumbnail I can't-

*sees two Orange players (one orange one dark orange)* *confused screaming*

"Gnome is just as thin as day old Diet Coke" ~Veteran 2021

Gnomes mental breakdowns go brrrrr again

I love how Captain, Veteran and Gnome (well I especially love it from Captain and Veteran) call Player the thickest lmao my shipping brain went crazy

"DUMmy thicc" I'm dead!🤣🤣🤣

"2 thicc to vent"

YTCat123: why do I know this problem?

Shadow: because you're T H I C C! 

YTCat123: *le blush*

Yeah I'm pretty thicc- my butt goes jiggly when I jump or move my hips wildly enough- OH MY GOD WHY AM I BLUSHING CRAZILY OH MY GOD SHADOW HELP MEH BDDGHDDGSDDDSDSGJKGXJHFDKHXFDHGH

Sh*t is going down between our Among Us characters tonight- HeLp-

Also I once made some AUL random moments in this book and one of them was Player being stuck in a vent and Captain seeing it. And someone commented on that part: "Player is just too THICC" so that person just predicted a GameToons Gaming episode! (Unfortunately I forgot the username of the person so I can't tag them)


Welp loved the episode lmao.

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