MrEgg is sad (CheesEgg)

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MrEgg: *crying* 

MrCheese: *comes in* what's wrong MrEgg?

MrEgg: *wipes tears* n-nothing

MrCheese: you're clearly sad. What's wrong? You can tell me

MrEgg: everyone hates me! You, TheGentleman and all the other people in the lobby! Oh and the AUL fans too... *starts sobbing again* 

MrCheese: *sits down next to MrEgg and wraps an arm around him* That's not true, MrEgg

MrEgg: how do you mean?

MrCheese: I don't hate you, I love you. And some fans too

MrEgg: *snif* really?

MrCheese: yes *leans in and plants a kiss on MrEgg's lips* 

MrEgg: *b l u s h* I-I uhh-

MrCheese: *blushes too* cute

I don't hate the eggy boi anymore. And about the truth or dare chapter: no MrEgg's were harmed/hurt in that chapter. It's just a skit ^w^

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