I thought you were a good driver!

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*the Skeld lost control and is now about to crash into Polus*

*Gnome, Dum, Player and MrCheese are the only ones remaining but MrCheese and Player are in an other room*

Dum, surprisingly calm: uhm... I thought you said you were a good driver...

Gnome: oh Dummy, no no no, hahaha! There's one simple explanation *turns to Dum* I lied to you

Dum: is that supposed to make me feel better?

Gnome: it's not supposed to make you feel anything... but hey, what's the worst that can happen?

Dum: we crash?!

Gnome: nah don't be ridiculous-

*the Skeld crashes into Polus and everyone somehow survives*

Gnome: ok never mind that might've gone badly...

Dum: oh really?

You're a legend if you know where this is from. Also @Circusbabyxzane pls use this!

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