Fake a smile~ a depressed/sad Player x Veteran songfic

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This is my first time writing a songfic. Hope I did well! This is in Player's point of view. Also it'a my first story written in present simple if anyone's interested.

You and I, up all night

Nothing's wrong, nothing's right

Sometimes, Veteran and I sit outside, on the balcony, enjoying the night sky and thinking about random things. No good things, but no bad things either.

I swear these walls are upside down

Swear the roof is on the ground

I feel like the walls are coming closer to me. I'm a failure and a loser as well.

Demons don't sleep at night

Oh oh oh

I try to turn off my mind

Say I'm doing just fine

But I'm screaming inside like (oh oh oh oh)

I pretend I'm fine, but I'm not. Inside I'm crying, wanting this to stop. Only Veteran doesn't seem to hate me (and Captain and Dum neither).

Say these words on repeat

While I'm trying to breathe

Now you're counting on me

So I fake a smile, but I know you know me too well

"Are you ok?" Veteran asks me. "Y-yes, im fine." I reply, faking a smile. I can see Veteran doesn't believe me. He knows me too well. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. Veteran hugs me, which causes me to blush. "If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you." I hug him back. "Thank you." I say, trying to hold back my tears and sadness. How can he care so much about me? Veteran lets go, boops my nose and walks away.

But it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell

When I'm sad, Veteran can make me happy just by being there for me. Well, not 100% happy, but less sad. But that's alright. He's like heaven for me.

You were there, held me hard

Tasted light but felt the dark

Veteran holds me close. It makes me feel warm, but my heart still feels cold. "Don't worry, Player, you're not a loser, you're perfect to me." Veteran whispers, tucking a hair behind my ear. I blush. I still feel dark, but Veteran is my guiding light.

I'm waiting for them all to see

I don't deserve your company

To love myself is way too hard

Oh oh oh

Sometimes I think i don't deserve Veteran. His company, his cuteness. A loser like me doesn't deserve a boyfriend like him. Veteran says I need to learn to love myself for who I am, but that's too hard. I try to, but those depressing thoughts keep coming.

I try to turn off my mind

Say I'm doing just fine

But I'm screaming inside like (oh oh oh oh)

Say these words on repeat

While I'm trying to breathe

Now you're counting on me

So I fake a smile, but I know you know me too well

"Are you alright?" Veteran asks, coming into our shared room. I quickly wipe my tears. Yes, I had cried, with my face buried in a pillow. "I-I'm ok Veteran." I say. "You look like you have cried." Veteran says, sitting down next to me. I fake a smile. "I'm really ok, Vet." I say. I feel tears well up in my eyes. Veteran hugs me. I start crying. "You know me too well!" I cry. "It's ok, let it all out." Veteran soothes.

But it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell

(Instrumental part with random sounds)

So I fake a smile, but I know you know me too well

But it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell

So I fake a smile, but I know you know me too well

But it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell

So I fake a smile, but I know you know me too well

But it's alright, you're like heaven when I'm in hell

Veteran holds my body close to his. I cry into his chest. "Let it all out, Play-Play." Veteran says, rubbing my back. I eventually calm down. "Thank you, Veteran." I say. Veteran smiles. "You're welcome." He says. Then he kisses me. I kiss him back. We eventually pull away. "Lets go do tasks." Veteran says. I nod and we stand up. We go out to do our tasks. 

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