Catty stuff

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So this is kind of a sequel to Daycare and my AU! Also I told ya guys I'd make it! Also I'm sorry if it's bad and such but I'm tired and still sick ok?

Player was walking with Veteran. "Yo homeslice I'm gonna go to the kitchen to eat something." Veteran spoke. Player nodded. "Ok babe. I need to go to armory to organize the guns. C'ya." He replied. Veteran gave Player a quick kiss on the lips before running off. Player blushed slightly but continued walking to armory. There, he saw Gnome and Engineer, Engineer aiming a device at Gnome. "Ok babe, I will reassure you: this device WON'T change us into kids." Engineer said. "Huh? Oh hey Engineer, hey Gnome." Player said. "Oh, salutations to you, Player. We're testing out the same invention as a few episodes ago, but this time, I will make sure we're not going to change into babies." Engineer replied. He laughed. "Be honest, we looked cute." Gnome said. "Yes, and especially you babe." Engineer said before aiming the device again. He turned it on, but accidentally used the wrong button. It aimed a powerful laser and a huge red flash went through the ship (the same as what happened in the daycare episode) and everything faded to black.

 Player opened his eyes, seeing a bit vague and hearing voices all around him. The voices were coming from Veteran, Captain and Dum. "Player? Bestie, wake up." Captain said. It sounded a bit vague. "Wha-what's going on?" Player asked. "Uhh homeslice... you're probably not gonna like this..." Veteran spoke. He sounded a bit clearer for Player. His vision also got a bit clearer. Dum's giggle sounded, now very clearly. Player now also could see very clearly and sat up. He looked around him. Everything seemed a bit bigger. Was he a baby again? He looked at his hands. There were no hands. Instead there were two cute little paws his hands used to be. "What the-" Player looked around and now noticed his friends, all being cats. "We're cats?" "Oh my gosh I look so adorable!" Dum screeched. "Yes, indeed you do, Dummy-Dum!" Captain replied. "Player, are you ok?" He then asked. "Yeah I'm ok, but I'm seriously wondering why I still play in this lobby. That's all." Player replied. He decided to wander around a bit. He noticed he had such good balance. Suddenly, he saw MrCheese running and almost bump up against him. "Bark bar- Player look the freak at where you're going! Also this is so OP not gonna lie." MrCheese said. He rushed past Player and went to TheGentleman. "So OP!" Captain repeated. 

"Oh sweet prince this is so cool!" MrCheese said when he got to TG. "Don't you think it's cool?" TheGent smiled at his beanie boy. "Yeah, I kinda like it. Now I can finally loaf like those internet cats." He went to lay in a loaf position. "I'm gonna loaf with you!" MrCheese said happily, also laying down in a loaf position. He giggled and scooted closer to TheGentleman. He also started purring. TheGent started purring too and smiled once again. 

Player looked at this, smiling. He then saw Mother with Timmy and Franklyn as little kittens following her. "So this is like being a cat." She said. No one seemed to mind this whole situation. Player then saw Veteran chasing something. It was a paper ball. He decided to walk up to his boyfriend. "Hey Vet." Player said, causing Veteran to stop chasing the paper ball and look at him. "Yo Play-Play." Veteran replied. "This is pretty legit." Player nodded. "Hey, let's join Captain and Dum." Veteran suggested. Player nodded, not knowing what to do anyway. 

They walked up to Captain and Dum, who were trying to fit in a small ass place at showers. They tried to fit somewhere nearby the closet with towels. "Hey, mind us joining dudes?" Veteran asked. Captain came out of the small place. "Come with us. It's really cozy in here."  He said. Veteran and Player went up to the place. Veteran looked at the tiny entrance. He slowly put his head in it. Then he went in further and, to his surprise, he fitted! Although he's pretty chubby. Player followed him soon after. It was indeed pretty cozy. Captain and Dum were nuzzling against each other. Player and Veteran decided to do the same. 

A few moments later, they heard the voice of Gnome. "Hey folks, we fixed it!" She called. Player, Veteran, Captain and Dum, who all four fell asleep, woke up and all got outta the small ass place. They went back to the room where they previously woke up as cats. There they saw Gnome and Engineer, both being normal again. They already tested the device. Everyone went to stand on a spot so Engineer could zap them back to normal. "Ok, 3... 2... 1..." Engineer said, then activated the laser. A red flash went through the ship again and everyone was back to the normal bean shape. "Well, let's continue the game." TheGentleman said. "Everyone scatter!" Captain called. Everyone scattered.

Omg that was fun to write! Also at that loaf part- it was so adorable to make I swear!

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